The link is here : Mystery at the asylum
It starts badly for them 'Hunted Auckland"........
"With a rise in reports of paranormal activity across Auckland, stuff goes on a ghost hunt with Hunted Auckland at the abandoned Kingseat psychiatric hospital. "
Ghostly figures in photographs, batteries that die suddenly and slamming doors are just a few of the spooky activities occurring at Asylum Paintball.
Owners Vitaly Miheer and Anton Klimenko were worried enough to get Haunted Auckland in for a look at their business premises in the former Kingseat Hospital.
The paranormal investigation and research group is now making a documentary on its three-part investigation.
Asylum Paintball was set up last November in the former psychiatric hospital's maximum security ward.
Its two two-storey buildings have 20 rooms and are connected by a steel-caged security tunnel. They were locked up for 20 years before the paintball enthusiasts moved in.
Then the science kicks in .........
Haunted Auckland's team members arm themselves with electromagnetic field metres, camera and torches to document the paranormal or allay people's fears by explaining the seemingly inexplicable.
electromagnetic field metres - say what they measure is distance....
They found "energy" in many areas of the maximum security units at Kingseat. The eastern wing and the caged walkways in particular had levels that were unexplainable.
Haunted Auckland founder Mark Wallbank says he was standing outside one of the cell doors and saw a shadow move quickly across the wall.
"It was roughly the shape of a person but I didn't notice any arms or legs moving. It just floated from left to right," he says.
Science again ....
Investigators also recorded something that sounded like a man laughing and a number of other strange sounds.
They don't mention EVP recordings?
So more science ....
"It was everything I could've hoped for in an investigation location - soaked in history, rot and decay, signs of the past everywhere, no power, dark corridors, creepy stairwells," Wallbank says.
He won't go so far as to say there are ghosts in the building "but we know something is out there". "We need to learn more about it to understand and that's why we do these investigations."
Got to be wary of "creepy stairwells"
Back to the Science ...
Meanwhile, the strange incidents continue.
"Batteries on our cameras suddenly run out of power. Yet away from the building they last for hours," Miheer says.
Eyebrows doing the full disco tango now, and then a bombshell revelation ...
The pair found a key in an old medical box on the windowsill and discovered it opened every door in both buildings.
They found a key to open the doors, every door, which sounds as dubious as it sounds. It was a lock-down facility, each cell would have the same lock, you then have one key per nurse/guard/doctor it isn't a mystery.
Then there is the nonsense that you have to put in to justify yourself
Miheer says he's also captured a shadow figure in a photograph.
"This place may well have something," he says.
"It certainly has a very special energy. There is some sort of feeling that I just want to stay away."
Lizard brain clicks into gear...
Cheers for the review of the article! There were a couple of errors made by the media outlet who wrote it up (the EMF "metres" one is just plain embarrassing), but they do like to get their little soundbites. Just as an FYI, the image you've included in this post is of another Kingseat Hospital in Aberdeenshire, UK. The former Kingseat Psychiatric Hospital is located in Karaka, Auckland. Our full series of investigations, including a history of the location, can be found here:
ReplyDeleteIt didn't look lijke the Kingseat in the middle of nowhere that I know, and I have been there, more than once, it really is an imposing place that has a long history of dark and cruel behaviours, I will change the picture.
ReplyDeleteMatthew I am genuinely intrigued by the need to connect the 'I'm scared' to 'ghosts' and see it as ipart of the human condition, and I've been bedazzled by people like Kelvin Cruickshank without understanding why.
I'm more than happy to be called to stand and smirk and hrumop if you think you need a total sceptic in anything you undertake. And I'd call it as I saw it.
The "total sceptic" role is what I bring to Haunted Auckland. Personally I'm of the general opinion that ghost and hauntings are caused by a collection of psychological and environmental variables. The human ego and our impermanence leads us to want there to be something more after death, and certain conditions will trigger the fight-or-flight response in humans, which leads to that "haunted" feeling. Add to that the human brain's tenancy to seek patterns (and human faces) in random events, sounds and images, and it all adds up to ghosts and hauntings.
ReplyDeleteAs a group however, we have people with a wide range of backgrounds and personal beliefs, so the public face of the group tends to be the average position of all of our members.
There have been events on investigations that I could not fully explain, but only because I am no omniscient, so I don't have all the answers. I can drawn conclusions and come up with rational explanations, but since we never operate in a controlled environment, it is impossible to fulfil the Repeatability requirement of the scientific method. Unfortunately setting up a fully controlled environment requires more resources than we have on hand, and ultimately we're not scientists, just collection of explorers and enthusiasts.
And you have my full and unconditional respect for you and your group belief. Just because I (and you may not) believe to the same extent does not make it any less real or valid or plausible.