Saturday, April 26, 2014

Beer - #354 - Ballast Point - Dorado Double IPA

Another IPA. Another from Ballast Point.

I quite like the Ballast Point beers - this one their Dorado Double IPA.  Brewed by Ballast Point Brewing Company and of course in the style of an Imperial/Double IPA and they are in San Diego, California USA

A 650ml bottle of a  10% ABV beer with  288 calories a serve, 90 IBUS, this is 5.13 standard drink units in NZ.

90 IBU is mid point for DIPA beers, normal IPA tops out at about 80.

[caption id="attachment_7886" align="alignleft" width="300"]Selfie Selfie[/caption]

On a quest to make delicious beers, our brewers have continually sought creative new ways to accentuate the delightfully aromatic and flavorful qualities of hops. Hopheads rejoice! Dorado Double IPA takes hops to a new level. Mash Hopping, First Wort Hopping, Kettle Hopping, and Dry Hopping create an award winning beer that embodies San Diego’s reputation for making world class IPAs. Our bottle Robust Series gives all beer lovers an opportunity to try our most rare beers, previously available only on draft at select tap houses. Enjoy! Get the Point! World Beer Cup 2006 Bronze Award Winner

A huge, hoppy brew that will test your sea legs. our Dorado Double IPA immediately hooks you with massive hops that never stop. Mash hopping, kettle hopping and dry hopping makes this beer a serious hop lover’s prize catch. It’s an amazingly drinkable, award-winning beer that’s as beautifully balanced as it is big.

This comes with a bit of a big reputation. This bottle is also close to it's best before date.  once again I should really be paying attention.

Ballast Point - Dorado Double IPAStrong sweet bitter hops on opening.

Cloudy golden orange in the glass with a nice firm white head of some depth. Nice grassy hops aroma in the glass. Some sweet sugar like Turkish Delight type of sweet.

Really bitter, some grapefruit or passionfruit bit of resin. And then I got Orange citrus too.

Long finish with a kick of slight bitter lingering in the mouth. It's alright but not spectacular, sort of a one trick pony.

Trick glass does it's trick, thanks Spiegelau, for a beer with ever lasting head

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7.5 a of its things from the thing. I though that this might be overly bitter, if that's possible. Although it's a nicely delivered beer with some nice notes in the mouth, and on the nose. Finish is nice without being dry and cloying. It isn't however a beer you can quaff. 

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? I'm torn on this.

  2. Would I have another? I have the rest of the bottle :-)

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I couldn't because this is a big flavour beer that needs some attention or food to occupy you as well.

Talking of foods, Pork Chop, Zuchini fritters made with Besan (Gram) flour, and some spices, and a potato bake. Chops on the BBQ, it's still BBQ season ;-) Recepie on request.

Listening to music from New Orleans - including this;  Dr John- Iko Iko



Imperial IPA, Double IPA or DIPA is a strong, often sweet, intensely hoppy version of the traditional India Pale Ale. Bitterness units range upward of 100 IBUs and alcohol begins at 7.5% but is more commonly in the 8.5-10% range. The flavour profile is intense all-round. Unlike barley wines, the balance is heavily towards the hops, with crystal and other malts providing support.


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