This has 225 calories, and is a 7.0% ABV beer, in 330ml bottle which makes it 1.82 standard drink units in NZ (calculated here)
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Caramel, roasted, black and chocolate malts provide an explosion of coffee like flavors. The strong espresso character comes from the addition of espresso beans to the boil. Notes of vanilla, dark fruit , cocao and chocolate. The very unusual character of Hitachino Nest Espresso Stout stems from the fact that Kiuchi Brewery is using the recipe of a Russian Imperial Stout as base. Pitch black color, big brown head. Aromas of chocolate, roasted bitterness, black currants, dark fruits.
Of the two that I picked up this is the good one, I might go pick up the ones that I could have brought tomorrow, I'd have to check with MrsPdubyah.
The same musty Belgium yeast style aroma in this, but there is a lot of coffee.
A lot of coffee in the taste of this, the head subsides away but a lacing.
So well carbonated, bitterness is coffee bitter (there is a lot of coffee in this), but its not balanced with anything else, so the raw oil coffee note is the over-riding wash in the mouth.
As it warms it gets slightly softer, but not so much that it could be considered as mellow.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 a of its things from the thing. Too much coffee, if there is such a thing, but this is coffee heavy without anything else to back it or balance it, and although a thing this isn't a thing that rings my bell.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? It's interesting, but not balanced.
- Would I have another? I like coffee beer but there are better.
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? in a taste off perhaps.
Musically, it's Chains of Love - Enough for Tonight
Many stouts do not fit the classic "Irish" definition as exemplified by Guinness, either due to their hop or roast rates, or higher gravity (in the case of many American stouts). They are still basic stouts, however, not falling into any of the subclasses.
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