Sunday, April 20, 2014

Beer - #347 - Amager/Mikkeller - Hr. Frederiksens Væsel Brunch

Tonight I'm kicking off with the extended named Amager/Mikkeller Hr. Frederiksens Væsel Brunch - which is an Imperial Stout beer.

Brewed by Amager Bryghus in the style of an Imperial Stout and new to me, this is from Kastrup, Denmar. The label points out that this is brewed with coffee.

This is a 10.7% ABV beer in a 500ml bottle, making it about 321 calories and that makes this 4.2 standard drink units. Not to be taken lightly. Buy hey I pushed myself for a 5km run today so I did enough, right? That and I made bread to go with the dinner tonight.

[caption id="attachment_7820" align="alignleft" width="300"]Selfie Selfie[/caption]

This is a unique blend of two of the best imperial stouts. We have brewed Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch Weasel and Amager Brewery Mr. Frederiksen separately and then blended the two brews. This has given a very balanced, harmonious and full-bodied beer.  An imperial stout brewed with: water, barley malt, wheat malt, oat malt, sugar, hops, yeast and gourmet væselkaffe.

This is a very highly rated beer, but you know that I will tell it as I see it and I'm not going to ooh and agh because the everyone else did.

Aroma on opening does not give a lot away, perhaps a hint of coffee, although I would be wishing that.

Deep dark pour with a mocha coffee head of some thickness and creaminess. Smokey coffee aroma in the glass. Head settles back.

Weasel 1Then there is the initial surprise in the taste, this is very sweet, much more sweet than you'd be expecting, and it kind of brings you up a bit short. In a good way.

Alcohol astringent is apparent in this from the get-go, but it's the noise at the front before the crash of the coffee, chocolates, sweets and the sour bitterness that carries this along to a lovely feel in the mouth. Almost poetry!  Me that is not the beer.

Lots of fruit notes in this as I drink it, and thinking about it makes it all the more complex.

Alarmingly this is avery easy drinking beer, which you can attribute to the smoothness of the delivery added to the sweetness of taste, the nice carbonation and for me the coffee and fruit tastes. The only down note I could pick on would be the slightly sour finish, and that there isn't a lot of depth, the flavours are all bright and clamouring for the front.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as a 9 on the scale of it's own making. It's not a 10 though, it does not have a knock out punch or a real depth of taste that would make this a complete delivery, it is however spectacularly good.

This could be one of those beers that I'd wager you'd enjoy and that if you didn't I would refund your costs, but I'm not sure.

  1. Am I enjoying it? Yes very much so

  2. Would I have another? I would buy this with my own money

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Yes, this would be a great conversation carrier.

[caption id="attachment_7824" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The Amp, the iPod and the jar of caps The Amp, the iPod and the jar of caps[/caption]

I was re-loading my iPod after a user-error saw all the songs deleted, and I stopped at Kings of Leon which I then dialled up to 11 ---  Need Somebody.



Imperial stouts are usually extremely dark brown to black in color with flavors that are intensely malty, deeply roasted and sometimes with accents of dark fruit (raisin, fig) or milk sourness. The bitterness is typically medium and often the low sie of that. Imperial stouts are strong and often exceed 8% by volume.


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