[caption id="attachment_7865" align="alignright" width="300"]
A 330ml bottle of a 7% ABV beer, which in NZ is 1.82 standard drinks, and it's about 210 calories,
This Red Rice Ale was brewed with special red rice which had been cultured in ancient times in Japan. Please enjoy the complex taste and beautiful natural color.
And another cap for the cap-jar.
Aroma is strangely chocolate on opening. Rich orange pour with a small and almost persistent head.
This is well carbonated and has a sour bitter note, which isn't unpleasant. There's also a pleasing sweetness with this.
Some people have suggested fruit type notes in this, including strawberry, I didn't get that particular thing. But there is something there and that's the thing that I'm reaching for and not getting, which is at both clever and annoying.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 6 a of its things from the thing. This is one of those beers where the carbonation is most of the mouthfeel, and that distracts from the overall taste. I enjoyed the low bitterness and the nice sweet warmth in this.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? For research purposes yes.
- Would I have another? Not this one no.
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? No.
In what could be my biggest faux pas culturally, I could not help but think of this by the The Vapors - Turning Japanese, which I've been singing in the car.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEmJ-VWPDM4&w=420&h=315]
A catch-all category that we use to classify all of those ancient or resurrected styles of antiquity that are appearing more and more in brewing today. From sahti to heather ale to sorghum beer to gruit, and beers like Adam and Midas Touch, these ales will vary tremendously in character from one another. Many are unhopped, strength can vary, but all are a glimpse into brewings past
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