Sunday, April 20, 2014

Beer - #349 - Emerson’s - Southern Clam Stout

Back to NZ for some more of the similar with an Emerson’s - Southern Clam Stout. It's 3rd cab off the rank tonight, but then I may have saved best for last.

Brewed by Emerson’s Brewing Company (Lion Breweries - NZ (Lion Nathan Co.) this is in the style of a  Stout and the Emerson people are in Dunedin, New Zealand

Emerson's StoutDunedin’s Emerson’s Brewery will be heading to Beervana and the BrewNZ Beer Awards in Wellington taking with them a truly original brew that celebrates a fusion of Otago flavours. The new, limited edition, big velvety stout has been brewed with locally harvested Blueskin Bay clams and it’s being hailed as a heavenly match.

Their standard 500ml bottle, in this case containing a 6% ABV beer, and it’s only 180 calories a serve, and only 2.36 drinks overall.

The new, limited edition, big velvety stout has been brewed with locally harvested Blueskin Bay clams and it's being hailed as a heavenly match.

The beer has a dark tawny brown head and a subtle creamy roasty aroma with a hint of vanilla and ocean briny characters. Complex dark roasted characters prevail with more briny notes developing as you delve further into the pint glass.

Emerson’s - Southern Clam StoutThis then clearly comes with a big run up...  Although I'd imagine you can't really mess up a stout, and that I just had two that really rang a bell with me is a big ask. I hope that I'll do this a justice.

Nor so much of an aroma on this on opening, although pushed I'd say sweet fruits, I'd be embarrassed but that's hat I'd say.

Dark pitch black pour, with a mocha coffee head that is fairly firm and permanent, fluffy and creamy. Aroma is of nothing so much.

Ok. Right, Expecting a bit of a thing. Didn't get the thing. Got a cold drink. This isn't colder or warmer than the last two beers I had though. Not a lot of taste action going on.

You know that bit where you hate the fact that this isn't better or in some way more aggressive and attention seeking. That.

On the back of two really good Stouts this is somewhat out of it's depth, yeah yeah yeah imperial stouts. but stand up and be noticed.

The pdubyah-o-meter then is conflicted by an over-indulgence of good beer leading up to this which I though was going to be the fizz, or as it turns out the flop. For that I hate the way I didn't think this through.

Pdubyah-o-meter - 7  is where I'm at. 7 is ok, it's good on the scale of things

Lets be fair you might start the evening, or gravitate to this, in the course of events, or like me you might be on a Stout-a-thon. If like me you did it in this order you might have got it backs-asswards.

This is thin. This does not have a stand out note in the profile. I'm a bit annoyed.

  1. Am I enjoying it? NO

  2. Would I have another? On another day if you put up a good case

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? No, we'd argue as to why this wasn't a good thing.

Music with the dinner,   which was Rissoto cakes, Bacon, Prawns and a salad with balsamic dressing, oh and I made bread that was a bit average bit still fresh bread! - Lee Fields - From the Faithful Man LP.




Many stouts do not fit the classic "Irish" definition as exemplified by Guinness, either due to their hop or roast rates, or higher gravity (in the case of many American stouts). They are still basic stouts, however, not falling into any of the subclasses.

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