Bottle Conditioned Proper Pour - Brewed by St. Austell This one then is in the Style of an American Pale Ale and they brew that in St. Austell, England
Bottle of 5.5% ABV beer, 500ml (pint-ish), in NZ thats 2.1 standard drinks in NZ, and 165 calories per serve or about 220-ish for the bottle.
First brewed in December 2005 for the St Austell Brewery Celtic Beer Festival.
Ingredients:Cornish Spring water and malt made from 100% Cornish grown Maris Otter barley. Cascade, Chinook and Willmette hops.
Proper Job is dedicated to the 32nd (Cornwall) Regiment who stoutly defended their garrison during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58. In recognition of a ‘Proper Job’, Queen Victoria awarded the 32nd the honour of becoming a Light Infantry Regiment.
"Light, clear and refreshing with an assertive hop bitterness, Proper Job IPA is based on a traditional IPA recipe which makes it perfect for long, hot summer days."
Unexciting opening, familiar sour note, Pours ok yellow orange with a decent head that persists. Aroma still muted.
Expectation met. This does not appear to have anything special or interesting in the palate that would make me write things.
All in all though this does not set my world on fire. I drank it briskly though, but ended up feeling that it finished towards the sour on the palate, which isn't a good thing.
The pdubyah-o-meter would say 5 making this average. I wouldn't turn this down if I was offered it as a beer at a party, you could be taken in by the up front boast on the label. But there are beers with more flavours and better defined that this. But it was Sunday and I was thirsty.
Am I enjoying it? Not enough
Would I have another? Not today no, probably not again
Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Bizarrely this is a beer you could share though and have a chat over, it's inoffensive and un-challenging and would not distract the conversation.
I have Neil Young playing in the background - Live from the Cellar Door. It's way better than the beer
American Pale Ales are light in color, ranging from golden to a light copper color. The style of this beer is defined by the American hops used. American hops typically have high bitterness and aroma.This is a perfect beer for big fare like grilled burgers or combination pizzas, as well as lighter fare like sushi and green salads.
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