More of me

What's to about, about me?

Orphaned in 2011 at 49, one of 8 children.

Fervent Crystal Palace F.C. supporter.

English, born in Catford, London England, made some money c/- Maggie Thatcher and a property surge, left the UK at the beginning of the poll tax fiasco and came to New Zealand in 1988, the year of Cyclone Bola, never left.

I was told that it never rained here! But it was love and I didn't think to check.

Living the dream then - Married with 2 children and a cat that scares itself. Updated to two cats now, the one that scares itself is now still scared but has company if she chooses. She never chooses.

Also I feed the local Fauna from a couple of bird feeder devices. Torture for the cats.

I Take bad pictures with one of two cameras.

I like gadgets but baulks at paying the early adopter price. - I have in my collection  a mini-disc player, the major downfall of which was that you had to record information to the disk and not just drag drop and copy, so that a one hour mini-disc recording took one hour.

I've upgrade from the previous collection of  two I-pod touch devices and an iPod mini in the car, to a more manageable  iPad , iPod Touch for the music, and a Macbook Air. Oh and a newish iPhone. I need counselling.

The MacBook Air is purely because it's a work of art, and I only use it for writing this blog, badly.

I don't usually frown when drinking beer, this one made me a bit less than happy, but as you can see I can do all the emotions.


Connect with me on many place like Google +Philip Walter - for instance. or email me:,

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