Friday, April 18, 2014

Beer - #342 - Emelisse - TIPA

Always keen to try something new, from somewhere new.

Tonight then,  Emelisse - TIPA, brewed by Brouwerij Emelisse, in the style of an  Imperial/Double IPA and they do that in Kamperland, Netherlands.

This 330ml bottle has an a ABV of  10%  which translates to a measure of  2.6 Standard Drinks in NZ, and 300 calories in this. This is also 103 in the IBU scale.

[caption id="attachment_7767" align="alignleft" width="300"]Selfie Selfie[/caption]

A massive Triple IPA, Brewed with Chinook, Simcoe, Cascade and Amarillo hops. White Labs WLP 001 yeast. Double is sometimes not enough. Besides the double India Pale Ale is now also the Triple IPA developed. And yes, that means that there are three times as many hops is used as usual. Take a sturdy chair, sit back and enjoy …

Not overly hoppy on opening this, more caramel sweet. Pours a really cloudy hazelnut brown with a small and disappearing head.

Much stronger hop aroma in the glass. Sour hops on the palate, but with quite a strong sweet backbone,  finishes to something approaching dry which sparks up the back edges for the tongue.

An intriguing beer this.

Emelisse TIPAA mix of sweet, sour, hoppy, under-carbonated, and dry finishing, but not all-in-all unpleasing, but not something that isn't raising an eyebrow, at least not in admiration.

A confusion is what this really is, and the pdubyah-o-meter thinks that this rates as a 6 on the scale of things. As it warms it gets more hop alive in the mouth, and the sweetness takes a bit of a step back, making this a slightly more aggressive beer on the palate.

The Double Dip review

  • Am I enjoying it? Nor so much.

  • Would I have another? Not of this but I have another in the fridge

  • Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Nope.

Tonight is kind of a Rufus Wainwright - New York State of Mind / Piano Man kind of night; [youtube]


Imperial IPA, Double IPA or DIPA is a strong, often sweet, intensely hoppy version of the traditional India Pale Ale. Bitterness units range upward of 100 IBUs and alcohol begins at 7.5% but is more commonly in the 8.5-10% range. The flavour profile is intense all-round. Unlike barley wines, the balance is heavily towards the hops, with crystal and other malts providing support.

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