Brewed with water, malt, sugar, hops and yeast.
Stored for 6 months Aged in Chateau D'Yquem barrels
This beer was brewed especially for a Mikkeller and Three Floyds dinner at a restaurant named Mielcke & Hurtigkarl (try and pronounce it, I dare you!) in Copenhagen. It was aged in Château d’Yquem barrels, Château d’Yquem being the world’s most famous (and probably the most expensive, too) dessert wine.
Single bottle of a 375ml, 8.7% ABV beer, which is 2.6 standard drinks in NZ.
[caption id="attachment_7900" align="alignright" width="112"]
This is possibly the most expensive beer I’ve drunk, and I know there are more expensive to acquire beers out there, but this sets a new personal benchmark. In NZ$ this was $30, for 375ml. This is about 261 calories.
This isn't universally liked though. I'm about to find out.
Green glass bottle, healthy pop on opening, sour sweet aroma.
Dark copper pour, with a lively and persistent head, the sour aroma leaves quickly, although not completely.
I'm not saying this because I'm compelled by cost to do so, but this is pretty nice drinking. Plus it's also a style that I like anyway.
Lovely honey notes, and a reasonably long finish.
The bitterness is spot on, for me, and the whole thing is well balances and sits well in the glass and in the mouth, I'm getting a little poetic.
As it warms the aroma gathers some fruits and other sweets around it.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 9 a of its things from the thing. It lacks a depth of caramel in the palate that would make this a spectacular beer. In and of itself it is really good and I've found that I drank it too quickly.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? Oath yes
- Would I have another? yes, I do have another in the fridge for a later date
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Yes, without a doubt, a small glass each not a bottle each, I'm not Bill Gates rich.
Musically I'm listening to the Psychic Maps;
Belgian Strong Ales can vary from pale to dark brown in color, darker ales may be colored with dark candy sugar. Hop flavor can range from low to high, while hop aroma is low. The beers are medium to full-bodied and have a high alcoholic character. Types of beers included here include tripels, dubbels and ultra-strong abbey ales.
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