47km t get to a 2500km level, 1550 miles of exercise. All genuine, all pushed as hard as I could go on the day, no mooching.
[caption id="attachment_11039" align="aligncenter" width="266"]

- I travelled 125km in April over 21 outings
- 130km in March over 22 outings
- 150 February over 26 outings, that's almost every day, I went twice one day and took 3 days off
- 199km January over 34 outings, I did have a day off, and went twice a few occasions.
It's getting colder, which explains the drop off, that and the wear and tear on the body, and the getting through shoes at an alarming pace.
Weight is still constant in the 90-91kg range, which is around 200lbs. The doctor isn't happy want't this to drop. Considering I was over 130 a couple years back I think I'm not doing so bad.
All I have to do is stop drinking beer, and eating the snack foods, right?
February 2015
I really need to update this.
I've passed 2000kms travelled in exercise.
I've worn out a couple pairs of shoes with others about to be retired.
stand by....
October 2014
It's been a while since I updated this then.
To recap though.
- I got to 88.8kg once :-) since then I've been 90kg give or take pretty much constantly.
- 135 runs
- Averaged distance then is 5.8km per activity
- I injured myself in June, I managed to fall over. Laces were tied too long in the loop, and I toe tripped myself. Looked spectacular, buried my ribs.
- Since then I've been just mostly walking, and I average a pace around mints per km give or take.
- I found a new route that entertains and lets me go either 6km or 7km depending on the path taken
- 792km is about 493 miles, and 100 hours is 100 hours :-)
[caption id="attachment_9812" align="aligncenter" width="547"]

By month, in km's this is 55.8 / 49.1 / 41 / 40.8 / 94 / 53.4 / 103.1 / 134.8 / 115.5 and October is 104.4 plus whatever I do tomorrow.
Did I mention that I ran a single Mile at 8:55 :-) just the once, and a single Km of 5:01 seems so long ago, and I I got down to 30:10 for 5Km
To recap though.
- In or around November 2012 I got to the point where was I getting close to being 105Kg, using the available bathroom scales, which may or may not have been, or may not be, accurate, they're not used for scientific or certifiable measurement, but they serve as the baseline.
- I was very sedentary, I'd given up exercise, I'd taken up fast foods, and snacking. I was at a point where trying my shoelaces would make me breathless as my tummy pressed up into my diaphragm and made me out of breath.
- I ached, I snored, I wasn't attractive.
- It was moment of epiphany, and I decided that change was what was needed.
- So, lying to myself, again, I decided that 1kg a month for 12 months would make me 88kg. The lie being that was I 100kg. I was slightly more than that.
- I've started to keep a 'newest first' diary of sorts as below.
December 2013
Now there's a thing. In a calendar year I managed by one way or another to achieve over 700km of exercise.
Couple of off months when injury and inclement weather took over, but I did go 12 straight months and of each time I did at least 5km.
I have no ambition to 10. I have no ambition to do a 1/2 marathon, or a whole marathon. None. Don't ask me.
What progress?
4th of January 2013. 5 Km. Wearing Nike Free shoes, because they are my shoe of choice at this point.
Wearing New Balance shoes , I make that 13 minutes faster over the same distance.
I've just about worn out the 2nd pair of Nike Free shoes, the blue ones they've got 284km on them and look a bit sad. I retired the black ones at 268km.
I've got a just worn in 148k on some NB Minimus and only 62km on the Yellow NB shoes. Spread it around a little. It'll be a shame to see the Nike shoes move to the shelf and retire. Might invest in some new ones in the new year, I think the 2 pairs of NB shoes will carry me
November 2013
- I finished the month at 90.0 kg
- Had my fastest 5k at just over 30 minutes
October 2013
September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
June 2013
What a shambles June's turned into
Too much work, too many late days, not enough enthusiasm in the mornings
25Km over 5 days, hardly going to prepare anyone for a marathon, not that I'm considering one.
But weight came down to 92kg, seem I broke through the 94kg thing that was proving stubborn.
I took up playing 5-a-side- football
haven't worn the new NB shoes yet.
But I have hopes for July and into August
May 2013
What a disaster.
Calf Strain on the 25th meant I could not close out the month and I've been unable to continue.
Did get a new fasted 5Km time though, which is pleasing
Weight bumped to 94kg which is proving stubborn to get under, mostly because I ate like a horse in the last two weeks in comfort mode.
Can't wait to continue back on my journey.
April 2013
Annoying close to 100 kms again
Weight slowly coming down.
Have a new pair of New Balance Minimus Shoes that seem to be going ok
Although I still tighten up around the ankles/calves after a couple hours. I have to work on this as it's not a good thing.
March 2013 Update :
- 16 Runs
- 95.65kms in total
- 5.98kms average per walk-out
- Fastest 5km was 35:54, when you consider back in January this was 47:39
- Weight 96 - 96.4kg
Although the chart above is wrong!, count the green lines you'll see 16, I have no idea what one it thinks is missing.
Middle of February 2013
I got to 17 walks, for over 102Kms and that took 14 1/2 hours :-) I've crept down to 97Kg from 105Kg, which is slightly faster than I'd hoped for, was sort of aiming for 1kg a month, for a slow decline rather than a fasting and hope diet.
So I re-read the previous posts 105Kg, today the scales said 97.4, which is a bit of a win.
The 79.61 kms so far compares to the 86km I walked in January, and there a few more days to go.
January 2013
January 4th
Distance walked in increasing slightly, I'm internally competitive and so 7km is my current benchmark for a walk, that's just over 4 miles, and it's about an hour.
I'm struggling with sore shins, which is over-striding, so I'm working at that, and mu knees don't appear to be up for a run of any great distance, I'm taking advice on that
At around 2Kms I have a sweat on, I might have to try harder in those first 2 kms
Weight loss is minimal, but is a net loss :-) I miss the walking when I haven't done it
Date | Walk Time | KM Distance | KPH Avg | Pace/km | Miles Distance | Pace /mile | MPH Avg |
04/01/13 | 0:45:34 | 5.14 | 7.05 | 0:08:52 | 3.17 | 0:14:22 | 4.22 |
07/01/13 | 0:46:52 | 5.28 | 7.13 | 0:08:53 | 3.26 | 0:14:24 | 4.21 |
09/01/13 | 0:51:01 | 4.68 | 5.70 | 0:10:54 | 2.89 | 0:17:40 | 3.45 |
10/01/13 | 0:48:28 | 5.11 | 6.47 | 0:09:29 | 3.15 | 0:15:23 | 3.94 |
14/01/13 | 0:48:11 | 5.72 | 7.26 | 0:08:25 | 3.53 | 0:13:39 | 4.48 |
16/01/13 | 0:47:59 | 5.52 | 7.13 | 0:08:42 | 3.40 | 0:14:06 | 4.27 |
19/01/13 | 0:58:41 | 6.92 | 7.24 | 0:08:29 | 4.27 | 0:13:45 | 4.46 |
20/01/13 | 1:00:18 | 6.6 | 6.61 | 0:09:08 | 4.07 | 0:14:49 | 4.14 |
21/01/13 | 0:58:44 | 6.53 | 6.67 | 0:09:00 | 4.03 | 0:14:35 | 4.18 |
23/01/13 | 0:58:31 | 6.64 | 7.07 | 0:08:49 | 4.10 | 0:14:17 | 4.23 |
24/01/13 | 1:01:26 | 7.07 | 7.13 | 0:08:41 | 4.36 | 0:14:05 | 4.27 |
27/01/13 | 1:09:39 | 7.25 | 6.41 | 0:09:36 | 4.47 | 0:15:35 | 3.91 |
29/01/13 | 1:01:50 | 6.92 | 7.01 | 0:08:56 | 4.27 | 0:14:29 | 4.20 |
December 2012
December 1st
Got a wriggle on at one point and had a 7.43 for 1Km, wooop!
Despite a few days away, eating and sleeping badly I've done ok, the weight thing is heading downwards, at a medium pace, but it is below 100kg
New Thin me is in here somewhere, probably where old thin me was.
December 26th
December 27th
December 28th
December 29th
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