Monday, May 12, 2014

Soda Review - #4 - Hӧpt - Elderberry and Herb

What's going on ? Soda Review ? Yes but.. soda made with hops, which is like beer.
Hӧpt - Variety 4 - Elderberry and Herb.

There are 4 varieties, I chose #2 and #3, then brought the #1 and #4, so the review order has nothing to do with the variety order, just to be awkward.

This is the 4th of 4 reviews.

Hopt 4330ml bottle of a Soda, made in New Zealand, 281Kj or about 67 calories in this bottle.  16.2g of sugars. Bottle = 1 Serving. That amount of sugars is about 18% of the recommended daily intake

I was asked to point out that this is significantly less than the sugar content in a can of Coke for instance, significantly being half. 

Hӧpt is made by Lion Dairy & Drinks (NZ) Ltd, and Lion make beers and dairy and all sorts.

Hӧpt sodas are unique fusions of hop extracts with flavours like lychee, pear, watermelon, elderberry, basil, mint, lemongrass and limeflower, and much less sugar*. Select hops such as the fragrant Columbus, Tomohawk and Zeus varieties are harvested to create Hӧpt. Their unique characteristics make our sodas crisp and refreshing.

This blend of lemongrass and limeflower extracts with elderberry juice and real hop extracts is crisp, complex and herbaceous.

Hӧpt - Elderberry and HerbTwist top, and it's red like a fire engine! and I get a peppery aroma from this!

Tangy bitterness at the front but it's understated and it finishes sweet.

Same refreshing delivery, looks a lot nicer than the clear varieties.

This is the nicest of the 4, in my opinion. Much more taste and more tastes, I like the bitterness and didn't find to overly sweet. Saved the best till last.

According to the ingredients list,  a whopping 0.02% of hop extracts. So roughly 0.066 of this drink is relevant to hops. But a bunch of other assorted things at the same concentrate., like Limeflower and Lemongrass. 

The pdubyah-o-meter on Sodas then. This is nice at 8.5 which is good on the scale of things.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? of the 4 this is the best.

  2. Would I have another? Of the 4 this is the one I'd buy again.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Yes I think that as a soda and chat this would ok, if you were like both into soda and had had a hard day and all that.

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  1. Just based on the flavors of this one, it seems like it would be the best option. It's a shame sodas have to have so much sugar.

  2. I know right, I use the soda stream thing to make just fizzy water. Its amazing once you kick the sugar habit how much you realise that regular sodas are just sweet and addictive. Having said that though there are occasions when you just have to have one.

  3. I have a Pepsi addiction -- part of it is the caffeine. I don't drink coffee or tea, so Pepsi is my only caffeine. If I stop drinking it, I'll go through a few days of headaches and the misery of withdrawal. But besides the caffeine, there is the addiction. Every day, around 11:00 or 11:30, I just start needing it and it never feels like I've drunk enough of it. Hate that the stupid drink has that kind of control over me.

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