Saturday, May 10, 2014

Beer - #373 - Schipper’s - Herr X Vienna Lager

Change of pace, Schipper’s Herr X Vienna Lager because just because.

Schipper’s Beer Company have this Brewed at Tuatara Brewing Company in the style of an  Amber Lager/Vienna and Schippers are in Mt Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, which I never knew, and go to often, so I should pay more attention. Or google them and visit.

500ml bottle, of a beer that is of 4.8% ABV and 31 IBU things, this is 1.89 standard drinks in NZ. It's about 144 calories a serve.

[caption id="attachment_8158" align="alignleft" width="300"]Selfie Selfie[/caption]

A complex but elegant lager with subtle cherry and raisin aromas. 80’s music nerds will be interested to note that Herr X is the B-side of Ultravox’s Vienna.

Vienna lager. Soft sweet spice and soft bitterness. Cocoa and biscuity notes with a hint of a smokey oaky note at the finis

A coat of many colours then, this might be a lager but not as we know it.

Just a hint of sugars as you open this.

Really dark pour! Not at all like a lager. You expect pale yellow fizz, this is the opposite. Nice head great carbonation.

An interesting aroma too. Quite rich.

That's a cracking drink. Genuinely impressed with this, it's refreshing and clean, but also has a thing and a thing going on that makes it quite interactive.

Herr XIt's dark tasting, Try it you'll get it, it is a taste that you don't expect but is very familiar and welcome, and has an interesting mouthfeel, and a palate this is of biscuit and ...  fruit in some way.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7.5 a of its things from the thing.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? Yes

  2. Would I have another? Yes, but in a different setting, it's not a beer to watch TV with, it is more gentile and more likely to be a beer to play pool by.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I'd share this over a game of something like pool or darts, or something. It's a very sociable beer.

Of course you can't go past Ultravox - Herr X and I danced and I got the look from MrsPdubyah so I foot danced instead. Still Awesome.



Given this name because the style was developed around Vienna, Austria. A light to medium body, with a malty aroma. Beers produced and labeled as Marzen or Oktoberfest are likely to be of the Vienna Lager style.

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