Monday, May 5, 2014

Beer - #367 - Rogue - Mocha Porter (a redux)

I'm revisiting the Rogue - Mocha Porter  -  I had this yolks ago - review is here  - This of course brewed by the people at Rogue Ales and it's a style of a  Porter, and they are in Newport, Oregon USA

This is a 330ml bottle of a 5.1 ABV beer, that has 153 calories,  54 IBU things which is high for a porter style, and in total 1.4 standard drinks.

RogueRuddy brown in colour, a bittersweet balance of malt and hops with a light cream finish. Mocha Porter is made from Northwest Harrington and Klages; 135-165, 95-115, and 70-80 Crystal; Beeston Chocolate, Black, Munich and Carastan malts. Perle and Centennial hops.

So last time I rested this as 7 arbitrary things, and not outstanding. Lets see if the intervening 18 months has done anything.

Chocolate aroma on opening. Dark pour with a decent fluffy and persistent head. Still more chocolate aroma than anything. But it's not big.

Mocha PorterPorter burst of sweet fruits, and a tang of coffee/mocha but there isn't a lot of body in this, it's not a full mouth experience.

So much hasn't changed. It's decent without being really good. It's easy drinking but it's also disappointing because I really wanted more fullness and body.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 a of its things from the thing. I though this was thin, more fruity and bitter than full and rich. 

It's not that I'm not liking it, I really want to like it more than I am.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? I'm not not enjoying it

  2. Would I have another? Not this time.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? It's more fruity bitter than coffee bitter, it might work.

Listening to Eric Clapton, something called the "Essential" album, it's cruisy for a Sunday.


Black or chocolate malt gives the porter its dark brown color. Porters are well hopped and heavily malted. This is a medium-bodied beer. Porters can be sweet. Hoppiness can range from bitter to mild. Porters are often confused with stouts.

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