This is a 330ml bottle of a 5.1 ABV beer, that has 153 calories, 54 IBU things which is high for a porter style, and in total 1.4 standard drinks.
So last time I rested this as 7 arbitrary things, and not outstanding. Lets see if the intervening 18 months has done anything.
Chocolate aroma on opening. Dark pour with a decent fluffy and persistent head. Still more chocolate aroma than anything. But it's not big.
So much hasn't changed. It's decent without being really good. It's easy drinking but it's also disappointing because I really wanted more fullness and body.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 a of its things from the thing. I though this was thin, more fruity and bitter than full and rich.
It's not that I'm not liking it, I really want to like it more than I am.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? I'm not not enjoying it
- Would I have another? Not this time.
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? It's more fruity bitter than coffee bitter, it might work.
Listening to Eric Clapton, something called the "Essential" album, it's cruisy for a Sunday.
Black or chocolate malt gives the porter its dark brown color. Porters are well hopped and heavily malted. This is a medium-bodied beer. Porters can be sweet. Hoppiness can range from bitter to mild. Porters are often confused with stouts.
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