Sunday, May 11, 2014

Soda Review - #3 - Hӧpt - Salted Lychee

What's going on ? Soda Review ? Yes but.. soda made with hops, which is like beer.
Hӧpt - Variety #1 -Salted Lychee  There are 4 varieties, I chose #2 and #3, then brought the #1 and #4, so the review order has nothing to do with the variety order, just to be awkward.

This is the 3rd of 4 reviews.

Hopt Salted Lychee330ml bottle of a Soda, made in New Zealand, 281Kj or about 67 calories in this bottle.  16.2g of sugars. Bottle = 1 Serving. That amount of sugars is about 18% of the recommended daily intake

I was asked to point out that this is significantly less than the sugar content in a can of Coke for instance, significantly being half. 

Hӧpt is made by Lion Dairy & Drinks (NZ) Ltd, and Lion make beers and dairy and all sorts.

Hӧpt sodas are unique fusions of hop extracts with flavours like lychee, pear, watermelon, elderberry, basil, mint, lemongrass and limeflower, and much less sugar*. Select hops such as the fragrant Columbus, Tomohawk and Zeus varieties are harvested to create Hӧpt. Their unique characteristics make our sodas crisp and refreshing.

An intriguingly delicious unison of lychee juice and real hop extracts balanced with a distinct saltiness

Twist top, Lychee aroma in spades with this, a lot.

HOPT #1Aroma is really overpowering, and the taste is full of itself. That's a really full on experience. The aroma might not be to everyone's taste though.

Just off clear pour, well carbonated and it looks refreshing. I've drunk some and can tell you it is refreshing.

Not sure what the salt does though.

Just been on a trail walk with MrsPdubyah and this really hits the spot as a way to re-hydrate. Ir's probably not the right thing to rehydrate with though.

This has no lychee in it at all according to the ingredients list, and a whopping 0.02% of hop extracts. So roughly 0.066 of this drink is relevant to hops.

Of course that might be enough of the stuff to make itself known.

They do say  "Select hops such as the fragrant Columbus, Tomohawk and Zeus varieties are harvested to create Hӧpt."

The pdubyah-o-meter on Sodas then. This is nice at 8 which is good on the scale of things.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? It's ok

  2. Would I have another? Of the 3 so far this has been the most flavourful, but also the most aromatic and I prefer the former tot he latter.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? You're thirsty, this is in the fridge, perhaps, yes I would.

There's always good music to listen to, and whilst drink in and writing about this I was listening to a very good album by the The Horrors -  this is "So Now You Know" 


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