Monday, May 5, 2014

Beer - #368 - ParrotDog - Otis

Indeed, I've sort of been avoiding this out of deference, but I'm going to try it, I've wanted to for a while. ParrotDog - Otis

Brewed by ParrotDog Brewing in the style of a Stout and they are based in Windy Wellington, New Zealand

Oats bring out a lovely silky smooth finish to a stout, and this is no different.

Otis330nl bottle of a beer with 6.3% ABV, 189 calories, and 1.6 standard drinks

Brewed with a generous lashing of rolled oats in the mash to achieve a silky smooth body, this deep black winter-warmer is perfect to sip on during these chilly evenings.

This is a limited release beer, I have no idea what to expect except something nice.

Aroma is different, oaty porridge like.

ParrotDog - OtisIn the glass I thought immediately of 'plastic' but then perhaps damp oats might do as well .I don't know so much that I like it like that.

Taste is something though. It seems to be rich and deep, but that could be also read as weirdly different and unusual.

There certainly is a taste profile in this that I don't recall having. It is rich and deep and offers something to taste and ponder with each sup.

Not a quaffable beer though, this has a lot of challenges of taste, and easing up to enjoy them.

I started off not liking this, and nek mint.... I find myself really liking it.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7.5 a of its things from the thing. I think this is a beer that gets better as it warms up in the glass and lets go more flavour. I can't move past the aroma that was off-putting but can be excused, but I don't think this is, overall, a winner. 

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? Both yes and no, to was that no then yes

  2. Would I have another? I might on a different evening

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I don't think that this is a share and care beer.


Many stouts do not fit the classic “Irish” definition as exemplified by Guinness, either due to their hop or roast rates, or higher gravity (in the case of many American stouts). They are still basic stouts, however, not falling into any of the subclasses.

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