Thursday, May 8, 2014

Soda Review - #1 - Hӧpt - Pear and Basil

What's going on ? Soda Review ? Yes but.. soda made with hops, which is like beer.
Hӧpt - Variety #2 - Pear and Basil  There are 4 varieties, I chose #2 and #3

Hopt #2330ml bottle of a Soda, made in New Zealand, 281Kj or about 67 calories in this bottle.  16.2g of sugars. Bottle = 1 Serving. That amount of sugars is about 18% of the recommended daily intake . 

Hӧpt is made by Lion Dairy & Drinks (NZ) Ltd, and Lion make beers and dairy and all sorts.

Hӧpt sodas are unique fusions of hop extracts with flavours like lychee, pear, watermelon, elderberry, basil, mint, lemongrass and limeflower, and much less sugar*. Select hops such as the fragrant Columbus, Tomohawk and Zeus varieties are harvested to create Hӧpt. Their unique characteristics make our sodas crisp and refreshing.

Delicate extracts of basil combine with pear juice and real hop extracts in a crisp, cleansing cider-like creation – without the load of sugar and alcohol.

Twist top, Lots of pear aroma on opening. Light green tinge (pear like) in the glass of whats to be a very refreshing and clean drink

2014-05-07 13.19.37Not so sure about the taste though. Lots of pear aroma on the nose where a good aroma should be, but this doesn't really translate to a big pear punch in the glass. There are other pear concentrate soft drinks that do have a much more pronounced pear to them.

And no Basil. That I could discern.

This has 1% of pear and a whopping 0.02% of hop extracts. So roughly 0.066 of this drink is relevant to hops.

Of course that might be enough of the stuff to make itself known.

They do say  "Select hops such as the fragrant Columbus, Tomohawk and Zeus varieties are harvested to create Hӧpt."

The pdubyah-o-meter on Sodas then. This is nice atwhich is good on the scale of things. It's very carbonated, might just be overly sweet, and lacks a pear punch. 

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? It's ok

  2. Would I have another? I don't think I'd invest in the #2 again

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? You're thirsty, this is in the fridge, perhaps. I wouldn't stop the bus to buy some though.


Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Interesting flavor combination and concept.

  2. I was seduced by the "made with hops". It has a lot of sugar, I don't think it's be a good session soda :)

  3. Hi Philip it has less than half the amount of sugar as regular soft drinks. almost a third of what they put in a coke. Do try the other flavours though, the salted lychee one is my favourite :)

  4. I have it in the fridge :-) I plan to drink all 4. I liked the mint and Watermelon more than the pear and basil so far though, it seemed less sweet.

    I will make sure that the comparision to other soft drinks is noted in the next 'review' on the weekend sometime.
