Friday, May 30, 2014

Beer - #387 - Beavertown - Bloody ’Ell

The amusingly named beer from Beavertown -  Bloody ’Ell -

Brewed by Beavertown in the style that is an India Pale Ale (IPA) and they are in Hackney Wick, England.

[caption id="attachment_8394" align="alignleft" width="300"]Selfie Selfie[/caption]

330ml bottle of a 7.4% ABV beer,  220 calories give or take for a standard glass, and this in NZ is 1.93 standard drink units equivalent.

"Blood Orange IPA" Zest and juice of blood oranges were put in the kettle at the end of the boil. Big rounded modern IPA full of orange flavours.

This has some of the best art on a beer bottle for a long time.

However  the interwebs does not garner a lot of information given away about this beer though Nose full of rich hops and spice on opening, pours very cloudy and uninviting, but has a decent head. Beavertown Bloody ’Ell

Has a really full mouthfeel and is strikingly bitter, and surprisingly this bitterness doesn't end in puckering, and seems to be under control.

There is a citrus zestiness too, and this is understated and in check.

Very well played the people at Beavertown.

Since I've finished this, quick smart, I forgot to mention that you can pick the alcohol in this, and let that be a warning!

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 a of its things from the thing.  In that weird place where the bitterness appears to be more than it is and the citrus appears to be less than it is, but together it just is an is. Somehow.

Bit a find at the shop in Wairau Road , near here, Union Jack's British Food Store and I picked up a couple of beers from there that I hope are going to be as good as this, and if I'm being honest I'm going back to get a few more.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? Yes I am

  2. Would I have another? Yes I would quaff away for a couple more.

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? It's relatively high in ABV at 7.4 and would lead to a short discussion before it all got a bit forgetful.

It being one of 'those' days, I'm listening to an album by Erasure -  Other People's Songs - includes this -  When will I see you again



India Pale Ale gets its name and unique style from British brewers who were making beer for export to India. This style has an intense hop flavor which was used to preserve the beer for the long voyage. India Pale Ale has a golden to copper color with a medium maltiness and body. The aroma is moderate to very strong. IPAs work especially well at cutting the heat of chili, vindaloo or Sichuan cuisine.

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  1. […] still amusingly named beer from Beavertown –  Bloody ’Ell which I’ve had before in a bottle, this is from the […]

  2. […] all three versions. The still amusingly named beer from Beavertown –  Bloody ’Ell which I’ve had before in a bottle, and also from the […]
