Brewed by Thornbridge again in the style that is India Pale Ale (IPA) and they didn't move from Bakewell, England in the last 1/2 hour since I looked. Brewers label art says this is an Imperial IPA, but it seems that doesn't jibe well with the contents so I'm going with IPA.
Label art is amazing though.
7.4% ABV, 500ml, a seasonal beer, so not an all year brew, 222 calories a serving, and this is 2.92 standard drink units in a bottle. This might be around 65 IBU things so slightly more bitter and at the top end of the range for IPA.
[caption id="attachment_8517" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Halcyon pours an opaque honey hue and produces a huge rich tropical fruit and hop aroma. Chewy, juicy, biscuity malts and intense pineapple fruit flavours and citrus hoppiness combine with a hint of tangerine and pear drops
Rich fruit and hop character in aroma. Chewy, juicy malts and intense hoppiness coming through in mouth with a hint of tangerine and pear drops. Ends with a well-balanced bitterness.
Best not hang about then.
This is similar to the Jaipur in that I pick no aroma, but a slightly bready yeast.
Wow, this really is amough full of citrus fruits and malt sweet and hop tang and has a lot more going in in the glass and the mouth than can rightfully be expected. Win!
Finishes to the dry and oily on the palate. but all you want to do is supp again and get the same hit, like some kind of addict.
A beer that keep giving, lots of orange, grapefruits, zests and zings.
Dangerously drinkable this could get you in to heaps of trouble on a night in or worse a night out.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 10 a of its wheel of fortune. I expected this though, I researched it after picking up the Jaipur, and although the Celt Experience Silures fell short this was for sure a swing and ding, and truly the party is going on in my mouth.
I'd say that if you brought this and didn't like this I would refund you the money. It's a belter of a beer, and although might not be hoppy or bitter enough for some it really hits the mark in drinkability, quaffability, appearance, and appearance.
Worse thing about this beer is that I just drank it all and that makes me #sadface. But I'm pretty happy I found a beer that gave me a buzz and a high and was all that and a packet of chips.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? Seriously yes, it's a cracker
- Would I have another? I'm at the store tomorrow this is a gem
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Yes, this is a lifter of a beer, one that takes you from drinking a beer to enjoying a beer. Sings a happy song.
MrsPhil changed the music to Paloma Faith, and if you don't like this after listening to it I will call you on the phone and sing the song of your choice, because I can't give you your minutes back. Oh I can Skype and you can see me dancing. Just Saying.
India Pale Ale gets its name and unique style from British brewers who were making beer for export to India. This style has an intense hop flavor which was used to preserve the beer for the long voyage. India Pale Ale has a golden to copper color with a medium maltiness and body. The aroma is moderate to very strong. IPAs work especially well at cutting the heat of chili, vindaloo or Sichuan cuisine.
Imperial IPA, Double IPA or DIPA is a strong, often sweet, intensely hoppy version of the traditional India Pale Ale. Bitterness units range upward of 100 IBUs and alcohol begins at 7.5% but is more commonly in the 8.5-10% range. The flavour profile is intense all-round. Unlike barley wines, the balance is heavily towards the hops, with crystal and other malts providing support.
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