Friday, June 13, 2014

Beer - #395 - Celt Experience - Celt Silures

I've previoulsy had the Ogham Willow, and I got the chance to buy this Celt Experience Celt Silures and I couldn't not. Well I could have, there was more choice, bit this seemed to call to me.

Brewed by Celt Experience this is in the style that is American Pale Ale
and they are in the place in Wales that has a Cheese named for them too! Caerphilly, Wales.

A chunky 500ml bottle of a beer of 4.6% ABV- a golden ale of 61 IBU things  and 138 calories a serving, this is a bottle holding 1.81 standard drinks then.  Label has a QR code on it, IDK. anyways  61 IBU  is sort of IPA-ish

"Powerfully hopped with sweetmalt and a depth of tropical fruit
Tribal vistas where all is conquered. 
Silures were a powerful Celtic tribe from todays South Wales stood tall against Roman invasion"

A powerful and deep bodied pale ale with a fruity spectrum of aromas. This robust

[caption id="attachment_8496" align="alignleft" width="300"]It's a selfie where I look a lot worse for wear! It's a selfie where I look a lot worse for wear![/caption]

beer is brewed using a balance of flavour malts and Pacific and Alantic hops, the result is a massive dry-hopped beer with a perfect profile of bitterness, sweet vanilla maltiness and a blend of citrus passionfruit and mango on the finish. The beer is named after a powerful and warlike tribe of ancient Britain, occupying approximately the counties of Monmouthshire, Breconshire. The Silures made a fierce resistance to the Roman conquest about AD 48, and it remains unclear whether they were actually militarily defeated or simply agreed to come to terms with the Romans!

It'll make a change of pace to drink this. An unusual delivery with a foil top,

Rich malt aroma on opening, a hint of pine happiness in this too, which gets to the aroma in the glass and brings a crooked smile (to go with the crooked selfie). ITs anise golden yellow pour though, and with decent head and lacing.

Celt Experience - Celt SiluresI get a lot of bready taste, and there is a nice pleasing bitterness, but it's a dull bitterness not a sharp one, and the finish is mostly to the tip of the tongue and errs towards dry.

I don't appear to be getting "tropical" but then my idea and you idea might be different.

The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 a of its things from the thing. Only because I'm not sure that this is as a good as it gets.

I'd be a right idiot to claim that the local palate might be different to mine, but then mine is mine and this is my opinion.

The double dip review

  1. Am I enjoying it? Not so much, It's a bit dry in the wrong place.

  2. Would I have another? I don't know that I would, even though I thought I might, I Mightn't

  3. Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Noooo, I think you're a better friend that that.

Dinner was the fresh bread I made earlier, toasted and used as buns for Angus Beef Burgers with and onions mustard topping, with salad things, and wedges. It's ok being me.

I'm listening now to the Klaxons, who  are an English new rave indie rock band. It's not my taste at all, sort of all " Idol" but I'm listening anyway, this is "There is no other time" their new masterpiece of chart toppingness, all Essex disco and RTD's.


To be honest I'm glad it stopped. 


American Pale Ales are light in color, ranging from golden to a light copper color. The style of this beer is defined by the American hops used. American hops typically have high bitterness and aroma.This is a perfect beer for big fare like grilled burgers or combination pizzas, as well as lighter fare like sushi and green salads.

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