Monday, December 16, 2013

Beer - #257 - Southern Tier - Un*Earthly

It's been a warm afternoon, I changed the music to Neil Young - live at the cellar door, and with that a change of pace in beers.

For my entertainment and pleasure then a Southern Tier Un*Earthly  - Brewed by Southern Tier Brewing Company in the style of an Imperial/Double IPA and that's in the posh sounding LakewoodNew York USA

Southern Tier - Un*EarthlyThis is a big 9.5% ABV beer in a 20fl Oz bottle - or 650 ml if you're old school, makes this 4.9 standard drinks, in NZ  If my thing is correct this is then a 520-somthing calorie count in a bottle, but I frowned at that and on recount it's about 290, give or take,  possibly it's not an exact thing and I'm trying to show off and be all current with trends and that.

An Uninhibited Infusion of Hops. We continue our commitment to innovation with our most aggressive offering yet Unearthly is a manifestation of the brewers crafts skillfully balancing art and the forces of nature to produce a divine liquid. Delicately pour a taste into a fluted glass. Smell the enchanting aromas of the hops come forward as your first sip divulges this beer’s fervent soul. To underestimate Unearthly is to trifle with the mysteries of the universe so please consume wisely. The ABV went from 9.8% to 11%.

As expected a whiff of deep grass hops, the chinook or cascade,  on opening, he wrote, trying to sound clever and knowledgable,. Pours a golden orange, hazy, with a small and persistent head. It's a fantastic colour if you want to wax lyrical.

Hop aroma gets more earthy, and somewhat towards fruit, which is alright by me.

Southern Tier - Un*EarthlyGosh thats a mouthful of action in a glass. Spectacular.  I might be a bit in love. With a beer. I know. Get a grip. (reaches for pen and paper... Dearest Santa, I may not have always been good but I have good intention...... )

This is so far and away an example of what a 'good' beer can taste like, there is lots going on in the aroma, and then it delivered on the palate, and there are many things in there to get. Ir's rich and to improperly use another word possibly - sumptuous.

This is really nice, there is is tang of bitterness and a glorious amount of warmth from malt sweetness that combine to make your think you're drinking a nectar. It's a dangerous thing. I'm not actually sure I ever had an IPA that's been this good. To bang on a bit, this is spectacular.

This should be on your list of beers to try.

Each mouthful is a whole mouthful of action and entertainment, and if you enjoy a bitter beer, this should hit your sweet spot, it's bitter, it's sweet, it's got more than one level of taste, it has full body and length.

See how I went on about it a bit, the pdubyah-o-meter would be rubbish if then this wasn't a 10.  It is.

It's a dangerous beer at 9.5% ABV and the pain of watching England bowl in the cricket will be tempered by the happy place that this brought me to this afternoon. Which reminds me that this is a time when you should ask me favours and things because this is when I get all Air and Water over Fire and Earth :-)

To finish my letter to Santa that has descended  into  a scrawl, it sort of reads, where I can understand it, bring me moar of this Un*Earthlyb beer, begging you man-to-man and with a tear in my eye that this will make me a better person forever..... unintelligible for a bit, then, or perhaps the people at Southern Tier need an ambassador in NZ, I'd settle for that :-) really I would.

MrsPdubyah just came back from some exercise, she noticed straight away that I'm in a happy place, which means that tonight the BBQ might be set aside for pizza in the normal oven. I think that's ever two wins or a draw,


  1. I'll have to keep an eye out for this, I've never been overly impressed with southern tier but I've heard they have pretty good bombers.

  2. After a run of average beers this was a revalation, I may have been over enthusiastic but I really did enjoy it and would again.
