Saturday, December 21, 2013

Beer - #260 - Panhead - Supercharger American Styled Pale Ale

From the new boys, as it were, this a Panhead -  Supercharger American Styled Pale Ale. Brewed by Panhead Custom Ales in the style of an American Pale Ale and they do that in the Upper Hutt, New Zealand.

Supercharger American Styled Pale Ale500ml bottle of a 5.7% ABV bottle of beer, 53 on the IBU scale and 171 calories. 2.4 Standard drink units this one.

American Style muscle gets backed up her with real kiwi horsepower. A long, aromatic list of hops like Centennial, Citra and  Simcoe should lead you to expect massive bitterness and sensory hop presence , and you wouldn't be too far off in that expectation at all. One for the Hop Heads. 

Cracking hop aroma on opening, pours a really nice pale golden orange with a demonstrable head, which subdues to a thinness. Retains it grassy hop aroma.

Supercharger American Styled Pale AleThis is Simcoe dominated - that the hop that is all pine , grass and cat's pee, which means it's short of length and a bit thin. Although it does have a nice inviting malt warmth in it. Check out the Hop list here, where I keep a poorly populated list.

This is the second time I had this , the last time was on tap in the Sky Sports Grill on the Auckland Viaduct and I didn't think that much of it then on tap.

Seems that by luck and happenstance I think that this is still the same, nothing more embarrassing than being a fanboi and then a critic in the next breath.

The pdubyah-o-meter says that this is average and more 5 than 6 average. I'm harsh. But I'm also a bit surprised that I've rated it the same twice by accident as I don't remember drinking this on tap, that's how memorable this was.

In context I think that the Panhead people are on the right track and I'm going to try to support them with their endeavours.

To ensure that you have an immersive experience I'm going to tell you that the music in the background  is c/- Chvrches, and dinner eventually will be steak, but I'll be on another beer by then :-).