Thursday, December 19, 2013

Beer - #258 - Tuatara - Dubbel

a Dubbel, from Tuatara, Brewed by Tuatara Brewing Company in the style of an  Abbey Dubbel in the mystical Paraparaumu, New Zealand

A seasonal beer, so something a little special perhaps.  650ml of a 7.5% ABV beer, of 3.6 standard  drinks, and maybe around 25 IBU's which appears normal for this type and style. Also, and it's important, 225 calories.

Tuatara - DubbelPerhaps it’s time to discuss putting beer down. No we’re not insulting the object of our love and livelihood, we’re talking cellaring. With the different malts and house-made Belgian candy sugar, this classic Dubbel could benefit from 6 to 30 months of repose in a quiet, cool place. If you can bear the wait you’ll find the plum and raisin characters, the characteristic phenolics and the hints of dark chocolate reconciled to perfection. ABV from 8.5% to 7.5%.

Tuatara - DubbelThe aroma is disappointing , but it settles to something like chocolate. I'd best pour it as sniffing a bottle seems weird.  Poured thinner, perhaps paler would be a better, or less thick than I thought it might, with a smallish head, that like my hopes and dreams faded away. All of which is nonsense as it's quite a nice rich deep red-brown colour.

A nice fruit aroma. And it drinks really nice, a really familiar palate of mustiness, and a little sweetness and a bang of astringent alcohol.  Which doesn't sound as good as it tastes, and it tastes great.

I'm easily impressed, this is really easy drinking, and, does it for me.

A reality check though says that this perhaps doesn't have as much upfront sweeteners, doesn't have a lot of middle carry and might be a bit thin, but the alcohol tang isn't a thing as it warms up a bit. However you can put this into it's category as a Belgium beer, it's jolly good stuff

The pdubyah-o-meter says, get in!, and makes this a very very good 8.5 arbitrary stars.

Hopped With Pacific Jade, Styrian Goldings neither of which appear a mention on the hops list  I forlornly copied 

How to sum this up then, Nice. I'd drink it again. It's of it's style, and if you like the style you'd probably be ok with this. It's not strong on any points, there's no over-riding element, and if I had the patience I'd put one on the cupboard for ageing.

Like that's ever going to happen. Cheers!