I left work late tonight and on the way to the motorway I passed a car stopped by the roadside not where you would expect, and just before where I would normally get on the motorway home.
I pulled over. Just because.
So there was a Mitsi Wagon by the side of the road with a flat tyre. A young girl was jumping up and down and waving, her parents were less enthusiastic. It had caught my eye the enthusiasm of youth :-)
Turns out they'd borrowed the car to get to a church thing and it had ended up with a flat tyre, and a missing spare and also a missing jack and tools. Not a good thing.
They were dressed ensemble and were on their way to Glenn Innes for a church thing. A Trumpet in hand, trust me, it was a thing.
All dressed up, looking great. Broken Car.
I gave Mother- Wendy, Daughter Sarah and father, a 70 years old, not a word of spoken English, a drive to the church. Ways out of my way and the opposite of home a lift.
Why? Because, just because.
I went back and the father who still couldn't fix his tyre, he used my phone to call someone, hopefully to get him fixed up and to the church with his family. For me Granddad, mother and child were at the event to take part.
It bring me happiness to think of that at least most of them got to where they aimed for, the Church event with trumpets and dress up.
Is this either significant or important?
Not at all.
Why am I sharing?
Because we all have it in us to pay it forward a thing. For me, having stopped, it was important they got to their church thing, and that they had a chance to do their thing than it was for me to be home.
I share because you have it in you to pay it forward.
And you should.
Without reservation.
Because you can, and because they're people like you who you can help if you can. And because it's just the right thing to do.
Pat myself on the back, and +1 and all that and a thumbs up, not about that, just about the "right thing" and very few things I have to do are more important or more pressing than being, well, just nice.
He said.
* updated
And then I had the angst.
So great, I did a thing and now I'm telling you in a self centred way about just how great that was.
Yeah, Na,. It's about how I was driven home after my running breakdown and torn calf muscle, the person you lent a dollar to for parking, the seat you gave up on the bus. It about how your mum and dad would smile, the child you smiled at. the kind word to a stranger in a shop. All those things.
Embrace those. Pay it forward. Sometimes someone pays it to you.
A reminder we all need every now and then. Thank you for sharing the story.