Sunday, October 20, 2013

Beer - #226 - Einstök - Icelandic Pale Ale

Outlandish that we can get Icelandic beer in New Zealand. This one Einstök Icelandic Pale Ale

Einstök Ölgerð Brewed at Viking Ölgerd in the style of an  American Pale Ale in the almost tropical sounding - Akureyri, Iceland

330 ml bottle, 5.6% ABV which is 1.45 standard drink units.

Einstök Icelandic Pale AleAmerican and Bavarian craft come together with the finest Icelandic water to create the Viking version of the Pale Ale, where robust hoppiness meets smooth malty undertones. Cascade hops give it the American character, while Northern Brewer hops add just enough bitterness to make this Ale refreshingly Icelandic.

Hopefully better than than White beer that i started with. Which wasn't 'bad' it just wasn't 'good'.

Cascade Hops Flavor Profile: Who doesn’t love a good grapefruit aroma and taste in their IPA? As one of the “three C hops,” the cascade hop is notorious for providing this character to both the flavor and aroma of a beer. Floral and spice accents are also seen with this variety which sees most of its usage in Pale Ales, India Pale Ales, and an occasional Lager.

Aroma is one of sweet more than hop. Orange brown on pouring with a minimalist head, but it's a stayer. Much more powerful caramel malt type aroma now.

Seems over carbonated, and that dashes the taste. Which is a strange thing. It's not like a pale ale taste I had before, it's sort of, kind of, spicy caramel thing. It's also very fleeting.

So whilst there is a bit of an upfront taste it's all upfront and no middle and a quick finish. But you can pick the hop profile if you pick and delve a bit.

Lack of head and lacing in this glass too. It's important.

Similar to the White beer I had prior to this it carries a lot of disappointment, and arbitrarily the pdubyah-o-meter gets to the same 6 on the scale of things that I made up, making it 'average'.

A pity really, there is a lot of thought and work in the marketing of this, but it's what's inside that matters. So to recap, though it might have been hoppier, it wasn't, thought it might have a malt carry, it didn't, but it drinks clean even if it's a bit thin and short.

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