Saturday, October 26, 2013

Beer at the beach house (Bach) Yeastie Boys + Firestone Walker + Panhead - Englebert Pumpernickel

Yes indeed a collaboration between the nice people at Yeastie Boys + Firestone Walker + Panhead , to bring you the Englebert Pumpernickel.

A ridiculously pale beer with an immense hop nose and presence. Weighing in at 9.2% ABV I have e idea that in standard drink units that this is 'lots'

Pours with a decent head too. Crashing grassy hops with a really mellow tone, delivers a complete mouthfeel.

The in-laws are wittering on about nothing and all gossip that isn't worth the effort. It took me just over an hour from arrival to get drinking. Possibly a record.

I'm sitting here then hazing out the blether, with the sound of waves in the background.

There is fresh caught fish c/- of the Gentleman's Fishing Club for dinner, it has it moments.


  1. I generally try to start drinking before the in-laws arrive. I love how you describe them, too. Wittering on about nothing all gossip that isn't worth the effort ... an absolutely classic line. You couldn't describe my in-laws any better.

  2. […] Beer at the beach house (Bach) Yeastie Boys + Firestone Walker + Panhead – Englebert Pumpernic… ( […]
