I've got another confession. I'm greedy. I wish that was a medical condition then I'd be able to say I'm the weight I am because of a medical condition.
My final confession is that I decided to do something about it. It's no use getting all uppity when looking in a mirror, or feeling bloated and uncomfortable in jeans, or being out of breath from tying shoe laces. Who knew you had to invest time in new ways to put sucks on when your stomach gets in the way?, and who knew you had to invest time in new ways to tie shoe laces.
At least I'm still wearing zip up pants and a belt and not trackies or the elasticated waistband things. And I'm not yet at the level of only being able to wear slip-ons, or typing laces once and then trying to get shoes on and off with the pretence that they're slip-ons, or that they are lace up's and of course I did the laces up.
So, I invested some money in a pedometer. a flash one from Nike, to go with my flash Nike shoes that I just brought. That's all it is a pedometer. You put a sensor in your shoe and a wristband on and it guesses the rest. Oh the Shoes were c/- my employer who had a magnificent push-play allowance that lets me indulge my "the older I get the better I was" sports memories.
Having read the user material for the Nike+ SportsBand I have no idea how it guesses how far you've gone so I'm going to have to try an work it out somehow, it says it's accurate around 90% the guy in the shop said 97%. For me give or take 10% should be ok. It's probably give 10% you want to keep the customer satisfied.
And it'll be eating better, the same but better. No weird faddish diets based on blood types or what cavemen ate, or just rice, just better at vegetables and fruit eating, essentially the LGI diet - "Less Goes In"
and 102Kg is a lot! and it is just greedy, and it sneaks up on you bit by pit, you eat you plateau and then you eat a bit more and you do nothing and then voila you're as small as a shed! So I've confessed here on the interwebtubes that I'm going to be thinner and happier and healthier and committed. Besides I've spent money on it so I have to get something in return.
Oh and it is nearly my birthday, and as I get older I start to fret more that I'm not quite old enough to give up on life. If I have any energy I might update this, or if it's going badly delete it :-).
Good luck fella!