Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beer – #25 in a series – "The Doctor" is in the house

Tonight for my delectation I have from The Sawmill Brewing company Leigh, procured me "the Doctor", a Dopplebock.

I looked it up, as I do, on the interwebtubes and they say

A complex blend of four malts combined with a duo of traditional hop varieties. Rich, warm roasted caramel and toffee notes with a lasting finish and smooth mouth feel. For serious lovers of fine ales. ‘Strong, dark and handsome’. 6.5% alcohol by volume.

I love it when they talk it up. Stephen Bier Liked them and that's all I could find on the interwebtubes, I didn't really try that hard though, it has a name that'll pop up all sorts of weirdness, try it you'll see

So... It's 500ml of a 6.5% ABV beer and they present it in a swing top bottle, so it's looks fantastic, the white label, and the sticker over the swing, all little things that make you go mmm.

Before I even open it I'm worried now that I paid for design over substance, it's not often you'll get a small independent doing something a little odd.

Well Lordy! for dark beer this was dark!

It pours nice (technical term) and has a nice head. And it has a pleasing malt taste, with just enough edge to remind you that it's a beer from the strong end of the shelf. Very nice. And it sits well in the glass after a couple tastes. And (enthusiastic like) it's not a fizzy beer. You'll know what I mean if you know what I mean.

It is a beer that deserves to be with food however, but I'm not so sure it's a match for the prawn curry MrsPdubyah has in mind.

For me then this has then got some substance to back up it's style, and I'm glad I made a difficult choice today from the beer shelf at the Liquorland on Forrest Hill Rd.

And so onto the arbitrary Pdubyah-o-meter for some arbitrary points. This is a nice beer, with a nice taste and nice color, in a nice bottle with tiny writing that my old man eyes can't read, and it's a hit at 8 out of 10 arbitrary things out of 10. So there. Best beer for a while and I've had some corkers.

p.s. I lied about the old man eyes, I've got perfect fuzzy vision.
p.p.s. Didn't spill beer on the keyboard again, that's like 3 in a row now.

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