Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some Questions for the Whangarei daycare

I have two views on these stories : Daycare 'bullies' for kicking out HIV boy - National - NZ Herald News.  and  HIV boy childcare ban a human rights issue

My first one is strictly a business related question, and it pretty much applies to any private business. Surly a business owner has a right to chose with whom it does business with. If, in this instance, the daycare, chooses not to have as a customer a particular child then that surely must be their right as a business. If they choose only to deal with some customers and they have viable business model than I have no issue with that.

My other view, and this this is very specific to this issue is this:

  • Is this a decision based on Fear?

  • Is this a decision based on Panic?

  • Is this a decision based on Ignorance?

  • Does the day care allow un-vaccinated children to attend?

  • Does is preclude disabled children from attending?

  • Does is preclude special needs children from attending?

  • What about a child that has, say for example, leukemia?

  • Does if actively ban or supervise, check or make sure that children with Measles are excluded from daycare when they have that particular virus?

  • Does if actively ban or supervise, check or make sure that children with Mumps are excluded from daycare when they have that particular virus?

  • Does if actively ban or supervise, check or make sure that children with Chicken Pox are excluded from daycare when they have that particular virus?

  • Does if actively ban or supervise, check or make sure that children with Nits are excluded from daycare when they have that particular infection?

  • Does it allow children with peanut allergy to attend?

  • Does it allow children with flu or cold symptoms to attend?

  • Does each child require a health compliance certificate to ensure they are not in some way genetically impaired?

As reported this is pretty disgusting. If this is a decision of the owners and is based on a threat of children being pulled out of the ECE center then let them go, apparently ECE centers would have us belive that there an over supply of children and under available of places. No one is under any health threat that is not understood, or known about.

Ir this was about a religious preference, or stigmatism based on religiousness then I'd be horrified. This isn't something to be horrified about this is something that makes you pity the ignorance of some people and makes you wonder if we're still living in the 1800's.

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