Monday, January 30, 2012

Like a blog, photo's are a bit personal too

I'm not so good at pictures, but I'm not that good at writing either so why should that be stopping me right :-).

I often look at pictures and think they're brave or daring, and for that reason, and because I have an almost compulsive fascination  with straight lines and order, most of my pictures are people free. I have a lot of pictures, some of which I like, some I keep because not keeping them doesn't seem to be an option, and a few, very few are worth sharing.

But on reflection, these are some pictures from yesterday that  I decided I like enough and well this is all about me isn't it, so here goes.

Oh yeah I cropped, colored, straightened, and did some terrible things with the original pictures not like a boss but like a ham-fisted oaf, but I got what I wanted.

[gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="rand"]

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