A cheeky little 7% ABV beer this one.
Reading from the interwebtubes website, and the label it clearly says "this is not a beer meant to be drunk by the gallon".
If you're a fan of the Pale Ale taste then you'll enjoy this, and although I'm not generally a fan of that style of beer this one is a little bit special and very tasty, and I'd give a gallon a crack.
In a 500ml (that's just about a pint) this is a very pleasing drink, long enough to taste and enjoy.
On the arbitrary Pdubya-o-meter this one rates, for me 9 arbitrary stars out of 10 arbitrary stars.
Once again thank you to the nice guys at The Wine Circle in Huapai (and on twitter )- for having such a fine selection and choice.
Related articles
- Seven new Triangle craft breweries on the horizon (newsobserver.com)
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