Never let a hopportunity pass you by unless you are driving, then let this one pass you by, and maybe have one when you get home
From the fill station, this ia 1 litre bottle of beer that is of 8% ABV, around 240 calories a see size and the bottle is 6.31 standard drink units in NZ. I noticed that this is 80 IBU things, which is in range.
For the Behemoth Brewing Company this is brewed at The Twisted Hop in the style that is of Imperial/Double IPA and it's from New Zealand
[caption id="attachment_10893" align="alignleft" width="300"]

Big Dry hoppy double IPA.
This beer is made to showcase the Centennial Hop (with a little Nelson Sauvin just for good measure).
Big dry and drinkable for such a big balanced bitterness that makes you want to come back for another sip
What could possibly go wrong?
Not overly hoppy or grassy on the nose on opening, more sweetness if anything.
Looks great on the pour, lovely orange brown colour, with a lovely fluffy head that looks so inviting. The aroma doesn't take off in the glass, it still leans to sweet.
First mouth-sip is an explosion that slips by in a thrice. Which is where it gets interesting.
There is a lot more grassiness than the aroma would indicate, and the finish is dry but not arid, the dip in the middle though, that caught me out.

The dryness is interesting, again it seems to be muted down in a clever way leaving you with a beer that satisfies the most of the taste profile and finishes with that immediate thought of "lets sip again".
Of course it might be that it's just an IPA and a style I appreciate. But I'm drinking this take on the style, so focus.....
I do like that toffee sweet aroma. Like that burst around the mouth of the bitterness and I like the pause and then the dryness on the tongue. I like that.
There isn't a lot to suggest that this is a 8% ABV beer, I mention that because it could be easy to forget and quaff like a thirsty man, get all squiffy and that's an early night, thank you.
I could sum this up as, talk a big game, delivers a quite deceptively good beer, it's not overly loud, aggressive or in-your-face, and despite there being, to my mind, a gap between the front and the finish this really is a well rounded beer that deserves a bit of attention.
I've also ended with that interesting sticky lips thing. If you get it you'll get it.
Whilst I wanted this to be more, and I'm convinced in my head there is something skipped in the middle I've found myself smiling and foot-tapping away, and you can tell from wittering that I'm enjoying drinking, as this really is a live blog of sorts, I sip, I ponder, I write. I have a lot to say, except that it's mostly the same thing. How good this is.
You know it all IPA beer could be this accessible, and take you on a bit of a journey then it'd be great, however sometimes you need to have someone doing it "a bit good' to make you appreciate that the IPA and dIPA things are very diverse and a there are many good ones, and sometimes, like this, a great one. Get in!
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 10 a of its things from the thing. Because only because I started thinking that this was somehow short of a trick, or missing a trick, and found that it was me that was being tricked because the more you sip and ponder the more this really does touch a nerve, and light up the room.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? It's a slow burner, but it doesn't waver and first to last this is a bit of a cracker.
- Would I have another? I know where there is a fresh keg just on tap, but it'll be gone soon enough, I don't think that this is going to be a regular beer.
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? I so would, I'd bring a few, and come armed with questions about politics, weather and religion. Or weird questions about science and speed of light travel.
It was kind of a Damien Jurado kind of evening, he's an American indie rock singer/songwriter from Seattle. You can listen to some of his stuff here on Spotify.
This is a track "Silver Timothy"
Imperial IPA, Double IPA or DIPA is a strong, often sweet, intensely hoppy version of the traditional India Pale Ale. Bitterness units range upward of 100 IBUs and alcohol begins at 7.5% but is more commonly in the 8.5-10% range. The flavour profile is intense all-round. Unlike barley wines, the balance is heavily towards the hops, with crystal and other malts providing support.
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