NZ Pure is a new class of premium lager
This is the the handy 330 ml bottle of a 4.7% ABV beer, so less than 150 calories a serve size, and 1.2 standard drinks in the bottle
Brewed by Independent Breweries NZ (Boundary Road) In the Style: Premium Lager and they're based in Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand
Not to be confused with Steinlager Pure. Of course.
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NZ Pure lager has a subdued malt backbone overlaid with a subtle hop character from the NZ Hallertau aroma hops used late in the boil. A refreshing easy drinking lager, perfect ice cold and straight from the bottle.
NZ Pure is a new class of premium lager made only from New Zealand malt, hops, water and a specially selected yeast with no additives or preservatives.
So, what could go wrong?, ice cold, flavoursome, pure beer... In a bottle with a twist top.
Opening is a malty beer affair.

Bit of a hop bite to it in drinking but not a lot that really stands out. An everyman lager then. Quaffer. It was really cheap, it might have been confused with Steinlager Pure which is quite a nice beer.
MrsPdubyah had a sip, and if I was honest this was from the second bottle, and said she'd drink it.
The prosecution rests.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 6 a of its things from the thing. What? Above average? Well it's not bad, and for audacity it deserves a mark. It really is neutral drinking, and cold enough, there might not be any taste at all. Lucky I was thirsty, it was cold enough and it hit the spot.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? Alarming yes, for the reasons of thirsty.
- Would I have another? I have 12, 11 , 10 left... 9 left
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Of course it says PURE and NZ on it, argue with that!
Nick Drake, underrated as an artist, and I'm listening to this gem Bryter Layter. Nick Drake was an English singer-songwriter and musician, known for his acoustic guitar-based songs. He died in 1974. The clip below is from an Album "Five Leaves Left", you might check that out too.
A beer that straddles between the mainstream Pale Lager and Pilsner. Not all beers that call themselves Premium Lager are, but those that are will typically have a deep gold to light bronze colour, and distinct influence of malt and hops. They should be free of adjuncts and will have a softer carbonation than Pale Lager or Classic German Pilsner.IBUs will typically range in the 20’s, and lagering times will typically be 4-6 weeks, more in line with what pilsners have. Overall accent will be malty-to-balanced, alcohol in a slightly tighter range than either Pale Lager or Pilsner (4.5-5.5%). Most often the product of a microbrewery or brewpub, but macrobreweries can make this style if they jack up the hops a bit and make it all-malt.
Enjoying the tune by Drake.
ReplyDeleteWas he once the singer for the U.K. band, "The Zombies?"
Hey you know I am over here in the San Francisco bay, and those in the know about beer here say that the new trend is the I.P.A. with high alcohol content (9% +). Some say this trend was started by a beer called "Racer 5." Not sure if you have that down there. Would be curious as to your thoughts on that one.
Anyway interesting how the drink reflects the culture. This NZ Pure, though the name conjures up notions of spring water, sounds okay.
The Zombies? I don't think so, and the all knowing wikipedia seems to think not.
ReplyDeleteI've had the Bear Republic beers, Racer X, Cafe Racer 15 and the Apex. Liked the X and Apex, the 15 not so much.
High ABV IPA. If it's done well they are wonders. There has been a real shift though to much lower ABV beers- session beers- in NZ, which is in line with the growth of craft, and thus appealing to a broader market, and some new more strict drinking/driving laws.
The NZ Pure, it isn't that good to be honest, there are plenty of good lager beers to be had.
Stone Double IPA (9.4%) out of Escondido, California is a good one. Shelf life isn't good tho not sure if they'll be out there. Hitochino is a Japanese beer, International, their "Anabi Plum Weiss" is a beautiful 'imperial' wheat beer, 7 %.
ReplyDeleteOkay well it was a swing and a miss with the Zombies. Still they had some good tunes. I am putting this one up for your enjoyment.
I Must Move - The Zombies:
Stone make some nice beers too, Quick count says I've had at least 7 different ones, and I'm a particular fan of Cali-Belgique IPA to be honest.
ReplyDeleteAleSmith too make a good beer to two.
Hitachino and Baird, I've had beers from them too. They appear in small quantities in more eclectic beer shops now and again. Have to be in quick.
Nick Drake, English singer songwriter, have most of his albums, the dude's music is so cool.
ReplyDeletep.s. 10 for the view.
At this point I was hoping for 'on vinyl". It is a sad story, and I only recently stumbled over his talent, which is I think that attempt to listen to an album a beer, give or take as they are both journeys,