Brewed by Ochakovo in the style that is Premium Lager and they are based in Moscow, Russia
Russian Lager!!!
Funky bottle contains 500ml of a beer that is 5.5%, 165 calories a serve, and 2.17 stand drink units - Боялся, что будет ужас-ужас.
" Двойное золотое» необычный сорт пива - пиво «с телом». Плотность 13% и содержание алкоголя 5,5% обеспечивают пиву интенсивный солодовый вкус и крепость вкупе с приятной бодрящей горечью. Особенная горчинка, присущая марке «Двойное золотое», достигается применением уникальных сортов хмеля. Его эфирные масла наполняют пиво ярким и оригинальным ароматом. Пиво имеет также необычный янтарный цвет с золотисто-каштановым отливом "
[caption id="attachment_8888" align="alignleft" width="300"]
"Double Gold" unusual beer - beer "with the body." Density of 13% and 5.5% alcohol content beer provide intense malt flavor and strength, coupled with a nice crisp bitterness. Special bitterness inherent in the brand "Double Gold" is achieved by using unique varieties of hops. Its essential oils fill the beer bright and original flavor.
Beer is also unusual amber color with golden chestnut hue."
So Comrades lets begin!
Mild aroma and big hiss escape on opening.
And being honest, this is on first taste a bit ok. Hoppy and seems to have body, decent length and nothing to sharp or bitter about it.
Leaves a great lacing in the the glass too. This is well impressive, and was only NZ$2.49 for the bottle, clearly an importer container load if the supermarket has it, sometimes they have beer to be avoided.
This though seriously easy drinking and enough to keep you occupied and interested in it as well. nice aromas, looks great, drinks well. That'll do for me.
The pdubyah-o-meter rates this as 7 a of its things from the thing. I'd buy this again and would go tomorrow and get some with no issues at all. At this price and with this taste profile it's the good as or if not better than other commercial lager beers types, and whilst not setting my taste buds on fire it certainly is a beer that I'd have in my fridge as a go to.
The double dip review
- Am I enjoying it? Yes
- Would I have another? Yes
- Would I share with a friend on a porch and set the world to rights? Yes, I'd bring a few and we could make all sorts of things up. I wonder if drinking Russian beer can turn you communist?
I'm listening to SPC ECO, who are a British-American shoegazing band, formed in 2007. This is a track called Fallen Stars.
A beer that straddles between the mainstream Pale Lager and Pilsner. Not all beers that call themselves Premium Lager are, but those that are will typically have a deep gold to light bronze colour, and distinct influence of malt and hops. They should be free of adjuncts and will have a softer carbonation than Pale Lager or Classic German Pilsner. IBUs will typically range in the 20’s, and lagering times will typically be 4-6 weeks, more in line with what pilsners have. Overall accent will be malty-to-balanced, alcohol in a slightly tighter range than either Pale Lager or Pilsner (4.5-5.5%). Most often the product of a microbrewery or brewpub, but macrobreweries can make this style if they jack up the hops a bit and make it all-malt.
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