Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beer - #427 - Speakeasy - Scarlett Red Rye

About to be drinking a Speakeasy beer - this one is the  Scarlett Red Rye

The is Brewed by Speakeasy Ales and Lagers and take you pick of a style that is : Specialty Grain or  Amber Ale and they are in San FranciscoCalifornia USA

Scarlett Red Rye Ale captivates with an act that ranges from sweet hop highs to spicy rye tones. Sacrlett hits the notes that will set your heart on fire.

330ml bottle that is 5.5% ABV and 38 IBU on the scale,  165 calories a serve, and this is 1.43 standard drink units in NZ.

Scarlett Red RyeWith a creamy body and rich roasty flavors, Scarlett is the perfect complement to the cooler months of Fall & Winter. This rye ale pours a deep red with a sticky off-white layer of foam and medium levels of carbonation. Note the aromas of fresh rye bread, caramel malt and earthy hops. Sweet malts are accented by subtle flavors of caramel, toffee, and chocolate. Notes of toasted grain, leather, and a mild peppery spice lead to a medium-dry finish.

The Hops in this are  – Columbus, Cascade, Chinook

SRRI'm not sure that "Amber Ale" is the best of beers though.

I'm always open though. To be honest it was the "Limited Release" that got my attention.

Stand by....

Monday, July 28, 2014

Beer - #426 - Ballast Point - Indra Kunindra

I've had strange beers in the past, notably the Rogue Donut ones, but this Ballast Point- Indra Kunindra might set a new mark.

Brewed by Ballast Point Brewing Company in the style that is described either as a Foreign Stout or you might see it as Spice/Herb/Vegetable and they are in the lovely San DiegoCalifornia USA

"Brewed with madras curry, caynne pepper, cumin, toasted coconut, and kaffir lime leaf, Indra Kunindra is a 9% ABV stout brewed in collaboration with homebrewer Alex Tweet. It was brewed for Holiday Wine Cellar’s 46th Anniversary Homebrewers Competition. First batch at 9%, others at 7%."

This is a 650 ml bottle (22 fl oz) of a beer that is 50IBU things, and 7% ABV. Also calories in this beer are 210 a serve size.  oh this is 3.5 standard drink units in NZ.

Indra KunindraOur India-style Export Stout is a unique collaboration with award-winning homebrewer Alex Tweet. Released in limited quantities, this explosion of South Asian flavors is reason enough to kneel down and thank the heavens. It’s further proof of San Diego’s status as a brewer’s playground, and a beer lover’s utopia.

It is then with slight trepidation that I open this.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

4:05 am and the clock goes tick-tick-tick Musings

Having, sort of, got my head around the speed of light thing, but perhaps not, the next part is the travelling to a new planet or star, somehow.

These are the current questions I muse on as I meditate myself to sleep.

How many of you are there on this journey?

If speed of light travel, or near to s-o-l travel is  possible that would still mean that something 2 light years away would take 2 years to get to? Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf about 4.24 light-years from the Sun, that's a 9 year round trip?

Could be nothing there when you got there.

Beer - #425 - Mike’s - Vanilla Coffee Porter

Mike’s Vanilla Coffee Porter - from the tap - I last drank a version of this in a bottle in November 2012 - and loved it then, I wonder if I still love it now. This is the non-Organic version.

Brewed by Mike’s Brewery in the style that is of a  Porter and they are Taranaki, New Zealand

Flavour Initial sweetness gives way to fresh roasted coffee with low bitterness and  an After Taste  of Espresso coffee desert

At 8% ABV a litre (33fl Oz)  would be 6.31 standard drink units in NZ, and this bottle would be somewhere around 640 calories worth.

[caption id="attachment_9082" align="alignleft" width="300"]VCP VCP[/caption]

When VCP arrived on the scene, marrying the satisfying hit of a freshly roasted morning coffee with the creamy full taste of a rich dark porter, Mike's couldn't help but feel that this son was close to perfection. It's good morning and good night all at once, a double shot of endlessly satisfying seer rich flours and subtle coffee bitterness that's smoother than your local barista.

VCP, quite possibly. Very Close to Perfection.

I guess the proof will be in the drinking.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Beer - #424 - Townshend - Divine Intervention

Townshend Divine Intervention - a collaboration beer (with Southstar Brewing). Calm down. Also A Belgium IPA\Belgium ale

Brewed by Townshend Brewery as their take on the  Belgian Ale style and they are in Upper Moutere, New Zealand.

Brewers note on their website has this though as a Pale Ale, despite the label saying otherwise. One of those things. 

All that but a 500ml bottle, (16 fl oz>, of beer that is 7.8% ABV, making it 3.1 standard drinks in NZ,  and 234 calories a serve.

Townshend Divine InterventionA strong and heavily New Zealand hopped Belgian Pale Ale. This is a collaboration series beer with Kieran Haslett Moores' brewing arm Southstar Brewing Co. The beer is named in loving memory of Jeff Hennaman from Slayer who died last year. (We are both huge Slayer fans.)

Don't expect a Slayer video clip either.

Beer - #423 - Celt Experience - Ogham ‘Oak’ Exotic Belgium Tripel

It's all on with this then, a Welsh Beer in the Belgium Abbey style - Celt Ogham ‘Oak’ Exotic Belgium Tripel

Brewed by Celt Experience in their take on the style that is : Abbey Tripel and they are in the place that has a cheese named for them, Caerphilly, Wales

This is a 330ml bottle of crafted beer which carries 8.5% ABV, 255 calories, 35 IBU, which would be English Bitter or Stout kind of bitter, and 2.21 standard drink units in NZ

"Exotic Triple brewed with Belgium Yeast with Orange and Cinnamon flavours's"

Celt Experience - Ogham ‘Oak’ Exotic Belgium TripelEach batch is brewed with fresh ‘tripel’ yeast borrowed from a secret location in Flanders. The beer has a complex flavour combining resinous bite from the American hops, spicy esters from the belgium yeast and fruit and cinnomon twists from the belgium fruits and spices. All finished with supreme British malt and candy sugar…

Belgium Yeast, Orange Peel and Cinnamon - check their video piece 

I am looking forward to this.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Beer - #422 - Crafty Dan - 13 Guns

I was a bit excited about finding this beer, I'm a marketers dream.

Despite being labelled as Craft Dan then this is   Brewed by Thwaites  in the traditional style of  India Pale Ale (IPA) and they are in Blackburn, England

An American IPA. Hops, hops and more hops - totally awesome! (Absolutely marvellous, to you and I.)

Tonight then I have a 330ml bottle of beer that is 5.5% ABV and 165 calories a serve. At 1.43 standard drinks this might be good for a Tuesday.

[caption id="attachment_9056" align="alignright" width="300"]Selfie Selfie[/caption]

An American-style IPA to salute Independence Day. A distinctive flavour with pronounced hoppy bitterness, inspired by July 4th.

Recipe #213
Malts: Pale Ale, Munich, Caramalt, Rye
Hops: Centennial, Citra, Amarillo, Apollo, Chinook, Kotatu

So I read this review, and now I have /Sadface.

You know that I think IPA is a pretty stock beer and there is a lot of variation, not always good

Monday, July 21, 2014

Beer - #421 - Tuatara - Black, the Mojo Espresso version

Three versions of this beer - This one the third and last one for me, the Tuatara Black Mojo Espresso - Limited Edition Unfiltered Espresso Stout

Tuatara Black Mojo Espresso - Brewed by Tuatara Brewing Company in the hard to guess at style that is a Stout and they are based in Paraparaumu, New Zealand

Delivered as a 500ml bottle that has all the tactile and familiar lumps and bumps of a Tuatara, containing in this a  6.5 %ABV beer, with 195  calories a serve, and is 2.6 standard drink units.  No listed IBU for this.

Tuatara Black Mojo EspressoMojo Coffee has been keeping Wellingtonians on high alert for almost as long as Tuatara has been chilling them out, so a collaboration seemed well overdue. Tuatara’s new BLACK series provided the perfect excuse. Introducing coffee into our toasted malt stout has given it a delicious burnt fruit tartness and gateaux texture with a building bitterness more than reminiscent of a good espresso. Dignified aging is on the cards, but in the meantime you have the perfect excuse to bracket both ends of your day with a Mojo hit.

I drank these in some order I made up in my head, Malt, chocolate, coffee. I discovered that the Malt > Chocolate and wonder what this one brings.

Beer - #420 - Tuatara - Black, the Whittaker’s Chocolate version

Three versions of this beer - this one, my second, the  Tuatara Black Whittaker’s Chocolate - Limited Edition Unfiltered Chocolate Stout

Tuatara Black Whittaker’s Chocolate Brewed by Tuatara Brewing Company in the style that is no surprise then -  a Stout - and they are based in Paraparaumu, New Zealand

Delivered as a 500ml bottle that has all the lumps and bumps of a Tuatara, they really are great tactile bottles,  this one contains beer that  is 6.5% ABV, with 195 calories a serve, and is then 2.6 standard drink units in NZ.  I note that this one  is listed as having 100 IBU things. 

Tuatara Black Whittaker’s ChocolateChocolate is as popular as beer itself and an important note in a bunch of great dark ales. So for Tuatara’s new BLACK series we went all out and made a dark ale heavily impregnated with actual chocolate. A quick telex to Whittaker’s, New Zealand’s most beloved chocolate maker, saw a load of their finest Ghana spirited up to the Kapiti coast where it was turned into a rich, bittersweet stout with hints of nuts and raisins. Chocolate lovers, stout lovers, anyone who’s never counted a kilojoule in their life, will be in heaven.

The Toasted Malt one was great, I wonder what this has in store.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Am-Azing (Moltmaker's) Beatles Museum, Alkmaar

Beer - #419 - Tuatara - Black, the Toasted Malt version

Three versions of this beer - This one Tuatara Black Toasted Malt - Limited Edition Unfiltered Stout

Right then -   Tuatara Black Toasted Malt Brewed by Tuatara Brewing Company in the style that is a Stout and they are based in Paraparaumu, New Zealand

Delivered as a 500ml bottle that has all the lumps and bumps of a Tuatara, and this on is 7 ABV, with 210 calories a serve, and is 2.8 standard drink units in this bottle.

[caption id="attachment_9023" align="alignright" width="300"] Selfie

Greetings stout lovers. At Tuatara we know your dedication to toasted malts requires no embellishment, so for you we have our brilliant, elemental BLACK. Using everything from Roasted Barley to Dark Crystal (yeah, that’s a thing) we’ve popped the 5-grain into the toaster to create a malt base of opulent Cimmerian shade. And to ensure you’re not losing out to all those pale ale bores, we’ve hopped things up a bit with buckets of Pacific Jade, Chinook, Citra, Amarillo and Centennial. It’s a big one, so don’t overdo it.

I think "can" you can overdo it.

Beer - #418 - Stoke (McCashin) - Great Oak Red Ale

A take-away litre of this from the people at Liquorland in Newmarket - for starter for Saturday then - The Stoke -McCashin - Great Oak Red Ale

Brewed by McCashin Family Brewery in the style that is a  Smoked
and they do that in good old Nelson, New Zealand

"A bold, malty ale that's both rich & dry. Notes of sweet spice and vanilla with a balanced bitterness & broad hop aroma. Moderately roasted and toffee malts, with a little smoked character, matured in American oak barrels"

I have then a Litre of a beer that is 4.6%, 4.8%, or even 5.6% ABV, seems a bit of a lottery,  So I'm going with 4.6% which would mean that this 3.63 standard drink units,  so this bottle is only around 360 calories all up. No idea how many IBU things this is on the scale of things though.


[caption id="attachment_9018" align="alignleft" width="300"]Selfie Selfie[/caption]

It’s a bold, malty ale, rich and dry, with notes of sweet spice and vanilla, matured on American Oak for that distinctive smoky aftertaste. Originally crafted by Head Brewer Sam Wilson for Melbourne’s GABs 2013, the popularity of our Great Oak Red Ale has led to its return as part of our ‘limited release’ seasonal offerings, just in time to warm you up when the cooler weather kicks in.

And let me say that today is colder than a cold thing, for Auckland, where the most we get is heavy frost, and the occasional sleet \ graupel  but not so much.

Monday, July 14, 2014

It's the Word Cup (24)

The Final

The final post, the final game.

Germany v Argentina

After all the goals, the drama, the tension and even the dull bits it's down to this.  The advantage of not having to go to work means I've seen every minute of every game, I don't think I'm going to miss it so much, although the English Premier League starts soon, and that means I get to watch Crystal Palace on a regular basis.

Germany appear to be favourites, having had a day extra of rest, and not having to have played two hours of football, and of course having put a few past the last team they played will make them confident. I picked them 2+ goals.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's the World Cup (23)

The Playoff for 3rd and 4th. That peculiar game that neither team would rather play, in any tournament

Festival football, or a dour affair that'll peter out and meander on. Not a lot to pick between these two though.

Brazil line up 4-3-3, the Netherlands 5-3-2

Beer - #417 - Thornbridge - Wild Raven

I had a plan in my head, but then I thought I'd drink this - Thornbridge Wild Raven, because well, Black IPA

Raven or Wild Raven is brewed by Thornbridge  and that's in the style that is  Black IPA and they are in Bakewell, England

500ml bottle of beer that is of 6.6% ABV, making it around 198 calories in a serve, and 2.6 standard drink units in NZ. this pops in at 65 IBU which is low end IPA

Originally released a for the Chesterfield CAMRA festival. 
Thornbridge - Wild RavenRenamed as Wild Raven in 2013 due to another beer going by the name "Raven" elsewhere
The recipe for the brew came from James Kemp, who joined the team a few months ago. Previously crowned the New Zealand Home Brewing Champion in 2008 and winner of a Liberty Award, Kemp used Maris Otter, Black Patent and Chocolate malt along with Nelson Sauvin, Centennial and Sorachi hops.
The beer, called Raven, has bitterness and hop character and plenty of malt flavours to give it complexity.

Another of those beers that gets elevated from home to commercial.

Beer - #416 - Liberty Brewing - Knife Party

How could you go past a beer with a name like this one from Liberty Brewing - Knife Party,  This might also be correctly "Liberty Knife Party West Coast IPA"

"Liberty Brewing started out very small scale in New Plymouth. now most of the beer is brewed under contract at Tuatara in Paraparaumu and some at the Beer Fountain, the brewery inside the Hallertau brewpub near Auckland."

This then is an American IPA style, which is either  India Pale Ale (IPA) or   American Pale Ale , and this is brewed in Auckland not a million miles from home.

500ml bottle, 7.1% ABV and 70 IBU things, making this 2.8 standard drinks in NZ  and this is around 280-300 calories in this bottle

Liberty Brewing - Knife PartyOriginally brewed in limited stocks for the annual West Coast IPA Challenge at The Malthouse bar in Wellington. The WCIPAC, is a celebration of all the wonderful beer qualities that typify the west coast of the United States, where full-on hops rule the roost. New Zealand’s best hoppy beer makers gather every July for the challenge, bringing unique beers as they seek to outdo each other in competition. Last year, Knife Party came out on top in an intense competition but stocks were limited and you had to be in the right place to get some.

Now the right place is your local Liquorland as Liberty Brewing delivers a special batch of this special brew made just for Liquorland.

So a real "cult" beer. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

It's the World Cup (22)

Semi Final #2

The Netherlands v Argentina

South American pride, and they are the favourites with the bookmakers, after yesterday nothing is certain really in the beautiful game.

It's the World Cup (21)

Semi-Final Day # 1

Germany v Brazil

Brazil at home, sight favourites

Germany #1 in the FIFA rankings

Beer - #415 - Garage Project - Umami Monster

This has been in the fridge a while, and whilst I'm not avoiding it, I've been waiting for the right moment. Which is now. Bring on the Garage Project - Umami Monster

Brewed by Garage Project in the style that is called : Spice/Herb/Vegetable and they are in the windy city of Wellington, New Zealand

9% ABV Beer in a 650ml bottle, about 270 calories a serve, and of  which I make to be 4.62 standard drinks in NZ.

[caption id="attachment_8905" align="aligncenter" width="357"]Umami Monster & MECHA-HOP! Copyright Garage Project 2014 Umami Monster & MECHA-HOP! Copyright Garage Project 2014[/caption]

"Brewed with Kombu (seaweed), Katsuobushi (fermented fish) and sea water. A rich hit of umami, the most enigmatic of flavours, does battle with bold bitter, sweet and savory characteristics to create a unique beer of monstrous complexity and depth."

Garage Project Umami MonsterIt came from the deep. Brewed for the Great Australian Beer Spectapular, using New Zealand grown Kombu (kelp), Japanese Katsobushi (dried, fermented bonito flakes), smoked malt and sea water in an attempt to capture that most elusive and enigmatic of flavours - umami. 

Far beyond the boundaries of the accepted and expected, these ingredients combine to create a monster of dark savoury smoke and rich umami complexity. 

Dear God - what have we created? Definitely not suitable for vegans – sorry.

I have the trepidations.  Umami /uːˈmɑːmi/, a savory taste, is one of the five basic tastes (together with sweet, Sour, Bitter and Salty). what might I have done?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Beer - #414 - Schloss Eggenberg - Samichlaus Classic

A special her of sorts this one - Schloss Eggenberg Samichlaus Classic

Brewed by Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg in the style that we know as: Doppelbock and they are in Vorchdorf, Austria

A well presented 330ml bottle of beer that is a massive 14% ABV,  making it 420 calories in the bottle, and the bottle contains 3.65 standard drink units.


[caption id="attachment_8896" align="alignright" width="300"]Selfiness Selfiness[/caption]

The once strongest beer in the world is back !

Brewed only once a year on December 6. Samichlaus is aged for 10 months before bottling.

This beer is perhaps the rarest in the world. Samichlaus may be aged for many years to come. Older vintages become more complex with a creamy warming finish. Serve with hardy robust dishes and desserts, particulary with chocolates, or as an after dinner drink by itself. Brewed under the exclusive licence of Feldschlösschen-Hürlimann-Holding, Switzerland.

So rare,  low hops, low aroma and a bus load of silly, climb in I say...

Beer - #413 - Ochakovo - Stolichnoe Double Gold

Da! Ochakovo Stolichnoe Double Gold,  MrsPdubyah thought she was being nice and brought me this from the supermarket, and what finer an example of Russian beer than that which is a  Lager Beer.

Brewed by Ochakovo in the style that is Premium Lager and they are based in Moscow, Russia

Russian Lager!!!

Funky bottle  contains 500ml  of a beer that is 5.5%, 165 calories a serve, and 2.17 stand drink units - Боялся, что будет ужас-ужас

" Двойное золотое» необычный сорт пива - пиво «с телом». Плотность 13% и содержание алкоголя 5,5% обеспечивают пиву интенсивный солодовый вкус и крепость вкупе с приятной бодрящей горечью. Особенная горчинка, присущая марке «Двойное золотое», достигается применением уникальных сортов хмеля. Его эфирные масла наполняют пиво ярким и оригинальным ароматом. Пиво имеет также необычный янтарный цвет с золотисто-каштановым отливом "

[caption id="attachment_8888" align="alignleft" width="300"]Selfie фото Selfie фото[/caption]

"Double Gold" unusual beer - beer "with the body." Density of 13% and 5.5% alcohol content beer provide intense malt flavor and strength, coupled with a nice crisp bitterness. Special bitterness inherent in the brand "Double Gold" is achieved by using unique varieties of hops. Its essential oils fill the beer bright and original flavor.

Beer is also unusual amber color with golden chestnut hue."

So Comrades lets begin!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's the World Cup (20)

Second side of the draw, the  round of 8.

I'm sure everyone expects Argentina and Netherlands to progress from this and they both seem to be favrouites. Costa Rica are rank outsiders at the bookmakers.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

It's the World Cup (19)

Quarter Finals Time.

The winners in these two matches get to square off in the semi-final.

Brazil and Germany for me in the virtual picking comp.

I'd also pick the France-Germany game as being the one with the more attractive football, the Brazil Colombia game the one with the passion and dramatics.

Beer - #412 - Panhead - Black Sabbath

From the brewery with some of the best label artwork, Panhead - Black Sabbath.

Brewed by Panhead Custom Ales  in the style that is of  Barley Wine and they are Upper Hutt, New Zealand

500ml bottle (16 fl oz), of an 11% ABV beer, so that would be around 330 calories a serve, or 500 ish for the bottle  and making it 4.33 standard drink units.

Panhead - Black SabbathThere's an elemental darkness at the hear of this massive Black Barley and Rye Wine. You can feel it wafting rich, dark fruit up from the glass with powerful overtones of tobacco and bourbon. Like its stable mate The Vandal, Black Sabbath is inspired by a famous John Reid-built kiwi hot rod, but at the same time we think its strength and uncompromising character also pay considerable tribute to the rock and roll originators of the name.

I like beer where I learn something, and I did about "Black Sabbath" as I did about the "Vandal" which is very nice beer from Panhead.

Lets get the motor running. (clearly not a Black Sabbath fan)

I remember from when I was 18 that when we got to drink on Sunday lunchtime- opening hours being 12pm to 2pm before they closed for 3 hours, (it was a long time ago) that the finisher was Guinness and Barley Wine. as this was guaranteed an afternoon nap after the roast meal and the football highlights on TV. "The Big Match" One long game and highlights of two others.... 

Beer - #411 - Hallertau - Joppa Stout

Oh now here's a thing, Joppa Stout, an award winning beer.

Brewed by Hallertau Brewbar & Restaurant and in the style that is of a Stout,  they are a few minutes drive from my house in Riverhead, Auckland, New Zealand

This is a bottle of 500ml (!6fl oz), and at 5.5% ABV,  a whole  2.7 standard drink units,  and because calories in beer is import  - this bottle would be about 220 calories or so. 

"Joppa Stout is the winner of the 2013 Champion Beer in the SOBA New Zealand National Home Brew competition. I've been brewing and adjusting the recipe over the past 10 years; ever since my husband and I received a home brew kit as a wedding present. Chocolate and coffee flavours balanced by a full body and a dry finish.

I hope this encourages more women to brew and enjoy great beer."

Joppa StoutIt was a dream come true for Swanson brewer Barb Joppa when she won the SOBA New Zealand Home Brew Competition with the highest ever points score. Californian ex-pat Barbara's prize was to have her beer brewed and commercially released by Hallertau Brewery. Joppa Stout is a full bodied beer with a lot of bitter-sweet chocolate and coffee flavours. Black in colour, with a thick tan head weighing in at 5.5% with 30 IBUs this promises to be a popular winter tipple

Commercial home brew :-) I've had a few of those. But this should be something a little special

Friday, July 4, 2014

The one with the 'award'

Award, pronounced awkward. - Welcome to the the "Very inspiring Blogger Award"

I'm pleased people visit my musings and ramblings, and I enjoy the feedback and interactions I have on here of course.

So I was surprised and at the same time miffed when I got a comment that I'd been listed, as part of the rules, for the VIB to pass on the baton, as it were.


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Beer - #410 - Crafty Dan - Triple C

I picked up two beers from this brewer - this one more properly called  "Thwaites Crafty Dan Triple C", why two beers? Well the other one, to be drunk, had a label thing that I couldn't go past, and I thought well in for one in for two.

That might be an old Polish Proverb.

Brewed by Thwaites as an  American Pale Ale and they are in Blackburn, England

In a 330ml ml bottle (that looks much bigger) of a 5.3% ABV beer, that would make 1.38 standard drink units equivalent and a whopper of 159 calories in this, stand by!

Crafty Dan - Triple CThwaites has labelled two different beers as Triple C over the years. The current version, described as "A full, smooth and balanced beer with an intense citrus hop aroma", is a 5.3% American Pale Ale hopped with Chinook, Citra & Centennial, hence three C's.

Chinook, Citra & Centennial Hops.!!

I have hopes for this that might not be delivered.

Beer - #409 - Laughing Bones - Lazy Bones Cream Ale

I start Dry July with a beer that I've had on tap out on my travels. Laughing Bones Lazy Bones Cream Ale

For Laughing Bones Brewing Company brewed at Brothers Beer in the style that is Cream Ale and they are in Auckland, New Zealand.

I met the man from the brewery too when I brought this, as an aside.

Delivered in a 500ml bottle of a beer that is at 4.5% or 1.8 standard drinks,  and 150 calories (about 180 in the whole bottle).  At 31 IBU units this should be nicely drinkable, sort of Pale Ale or Pilsner level bitter.

Lazy Bones American Cream AleAn easy drinking session beer that won’t make you work to enjoy it. This is crafted to be smooth with a modicum of honey toasted oats and a yeast strain that leaves a fruity, very light, soft balanced palate. Perfectly hopped for a balanced experience this beer is made for you.

Bottle Conditioned this has sediment - makes note to self that I shall forget this forthwith and have cloudy beer.

This has a nice hoppy aroma on opening, sweet and inviting.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

It's the World Cup (18)

The Knockout round! Round 4 of 4

Winners in these two matches get to face off in the next round.

Switzerland possibly the best outside bet and Belgium should be the goods.

[caption id="attachment_8815" align="aligncenter" width="218"]Something from Twitter Something from Twitter[/caption]

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It's the World Cup (17)

The Knockout round! Round 3

Winners in these two matches get to face off in the next round.  I'm going to say that France and Germany have to be favourites. Can't see these going to extra time either.