Sunday, March 16, 2014

Beer - #325 - 8 Wired - C4 Double Coffee Brown Ale

Okie Dokie. 8 Wired C4 Double Coffee Brown Ale for perhaps the finale of the #PhilsBeerFest14 night in for Saturday

8 Wired Brewing do this of course  and they do it a  Renaissance Brewing, this one is in the style of a Brown Ale and they are located in Blenheim, New Zealand

8 Wired - C4In my opinion, coffee rivals beer for the title of "greatest beverage in the world". I often say that I would rather give up beer than coffee. So it is only natural that we would attempt to make a beverage that incorporates both. If we were to succeed, surely this would then become the greatest beverage in the world? After years of research and trials in the garage, I have come up with what I think is the perfect marriage of coffee and beer: A hoppy double brown ale, that compliments both the roasty and fruity aspects of the coffee without putting up too much of a fight. The coffee was selected in collaboration with the Christchurch institution C4 Coffee and consists mainly of lightly roasted, delicate and floral, Ethiopian beans. Worlds are colliding and, in my humble opinion, greatness is achieved on the other side. 

  • HOPS: Pacific Jade, NZ Cascade and Pacifica (click here, or  here )

  • MALT: Gladfield Pale, Crystal, Munich, Caramalt, Chocolate, Oats

  • YEAST: Wyeast 1272 - American Ale II

Which is a big lead in.

500 ml bottle of an 8% ABV, beer  being 3.15 standard dink units in NZ , This is 50 on the IBU thingy and  is 240 calories.  50 is around top end for Stouts.

8 Wired - C4Of course there is coffee on the opening.  But because you read the label.

I was expecting black as a pour, this is a really deep deep brown.

There is a lot more coffee aroma in the glass. The aroma of cold brewed coffee. Very earthy and raw.

But also a sweetness about it.

Nice pour and a decent head too. Onto a winner.

Stand by- this is like coffee infused beer. What!

Despite the knowing of the all of the things about this it comes as a surprise the delivery and the punch that this brings. Coffee coffee and a lovely long finish that isn't bitter or soft.

This is really clever, you get such a burst of coffee that you are completely tied up in that sensation. The bitterness is what you'd expect from coffee, and the finish is what you'd expect.

What gets you is that you are drinking this cold, and that really isn't a way you generally drink your coffee. But this so works.

No idea that this would be 8% ABV or even any ABV on beer. In pdubyah-world this would pass the lips of a coffee drinker without them realising it's alcohol. But probably not in the real world.

Some beers  give you big thing about other things aside from the coffee, like say for instance only, Chocolate. This tells you there is Double Coffee.


It's possibly got the most Coffee per beer by volume in the world. It's insane,

Such a lovely sweet tasting, full profile tasting beer, a work of art.

The pdubyah-o-meter seems intent on making this a 10.  I can't find a reason not to. Looks great, pours well, delivers grate aroma, taste like the label says it will.

A bit in love with this then, and will probably go get some more tomorrow if I'm not grounded after #PhilsBeerFest14 - one Saturday only.

If you like beer, and you like coffee, then get this, it really is a bit good.

I'm toying with the final bit on this, but they are good questions;

Am I enjoying this? Yes, double yes, I'm enjoying this very quickly.

Would I have another? If it was legal or something I'd go get one.

Would I sit out on an evening telling fibs and making up stories with a friend whilst drinking this? If we each had out own bottle(s) and a supply of  foodage. Because after this is Whiskey or somesuch.


Color ranges from reddish-brown to dark brown. Lower in alcohol than porter, medium to full body flavor. Appropriate foods are apple pie, pork with brown sauce, beef vegetable soup and cheddar.

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  1. After reading your review, the next time I saw a C4 Double Coffee Brown Ale on the supermarket shelf, I brought one.

    Agree with your review on the whole, although I found that there was a slightly odd after-taste in the finish. I liked the fact that it was not pitch-black or an all-out coffee assault, and that the balance between the malt & the coffee resulted in more of a chocolate flavor.

    It will go on my list of beers that I would not hesitate to try again.

    Keep up the great blog... :-)

    - Spig

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate that you took the time to read.

    I'm going to try it again, I may or may not be less enthusiastic, I'm sure I'll be as happy with the great ber I'm drinking though.

  3. I have to let you know that I had another on Friday night and for me it hit the spot again. MrsPhil thought it smelt awful, sometimes it's like she doesn't understand.
