Yeastie BoysBrew this at Invercargill Brewery and this is a Black IPA styled beer, Yeastie is in Wellington, New Zealand, Invercargill is not there.
330ml , 6.5% ABV, 1.7 standard drinks, 55 IBU things and 195 calories in a serving.
55 is high for a stout and low for an IPA on average.
I was just reading that this could also be a "Cascadian Dark Ale" which essentially is Black IPA. Click the link, people who drink less and write more wrote about it.
There is a banging amount of hop aroma on this and a citrus tinge., and then something like orange peel. This is a complete change of beers from the last couple.
The lovely hop aroma is very present, the head has long departed.
And then there is an explosion of tastes, showcasing the hop mixtures they've used.
All at once.
There is a confusion of colour and hop laden delivery which isn't at all what you'd expect.
This has a a mix of hops, and that's the grassiness. I get the colour from the malts but I don't know that I pick particularly any chocolate. Not that this isn't sweet. It isn't, for me at least, a sour tasting (hope related) beer, but what softness there is is a carry and not a serve.
The pdubyah-o-meter, often a source of contention and dissuasion over such things, rates this as a 7.5 on the scale of things.
Not, no way, a session beer. Did I enjoy it (am I enjoying it) I think I am but. Would I go again? yeah, na...
I like the hop aroma that this has, I like the colour and the way it makes you feel like a maverick in some weird way, but looks are not everything and this is good but it isn't ringing the bell.
Music for this changed to "The Fray" which is a bit pop music, but it's a small bottle of beer....
An emerging beer style roughly defined as a beer with IPA-level hopping, relatively high alcohol and a distinct toasty dark malt character. Typically lacks the roastiness and body of a strong stout and is hoppier than a strong porter. Expressive dry-hopping is common. Also called India Dark Ale, India Black Ale, Cascadian Dark Ale, Dark IPA, and sometimes India Brown Ale.
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