Tuesday, March 25, 2014

From a stressful job to the stress of no job

After 15 years with the same employer, doing various roles from sales to people management I got to point where enough was enough.

Having travelled more than 450,000 commuter kilometres to work and back day in day out I got to the point where enough was enough.

The meetings where we navel gazed and pontificated about things we didn't know or had control over,  I got to the point where enough was enough.

The one-upmanship, the slide in company culture, the alliances made and broken, promises made and lies told. I got to the point where enough was enough.

So from having a steady employment I resigned replacing one stress with another.

To be honest it's a roller coaster of emotions, most of which, I think, relate to a stressful situation that frankly I don't think anyone is equipped to handle.

I'm confident of a new job, really confident, and that'll be really refreshing, and a challenge of making new connections.

I will look back with fond memories and a great time had, but sometimes change calls, and you have to face it head on.


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  1. I envy you and wish you the best of luck. I wish I could make the decision you have made. It's also interesting that you refer to the "slide in corporate culture." I work for a government agency and it seems that the quality of work, the quality of employee, the quality of everything is sliding. Quickly. I just hope I get out before it all blows up.

  2. the rose tinted "we used to be like this" to the current "me generation" I think that's a old persons view. But it isn't the same, and demonstrably so. It was the best of times and the worst of times....

  3. http://thirtysomethingdiscoveries.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/waitressing-most-stressful-job-ive-ever-had/#comment-47
