Saturday, January 18, 2014

Beer - #286 - Yeastie Boys - His Majesty 2013

The latest beerYeastie Boys His Majesty 2013

From this nice people at Yeastie Boys brewed at Invercargill Brewery, this one in the style of a: Belgian Strong Ale and that's all the thing in Wellington, New Zealand.

[caption id="attachment_6261" align="alignright" width="300"]The obligatory Selfie The obligatory Selfie[/caption]

or this could be a Belgian-style strong golden ale with Earl Grey Excelsior tea.

Yeastie boys and Earl Grey tea - thinks Gunnamatta

750ml bottle, of a 7.5% ABV beer - of 225 calories a serve, this in and of itself is a 4.4 standard units of drinks worth.

The beer scene has changed a lot in five years. Back then it was hard to find a new beer and now we can hardly step out of the house without stumbling across a new brewery. People ask when the bubble will burst, when we'll run out of ideas, when a new fad will lead people down a different path. We say this is only the beginning. Here's to us, and to you, and to this golden age of beer we're all living... long may it last! 

I had this before, the 2012 version But tonight I'm having this.

Yeastie Boys - His Majesty 2013 1Because I was prepared for It I got a whiff of the earl grey thing on opening, and some more mute Belgium style yeasts

Poured a more darker orange than I thought, like golden syrup orange. started to have a head, didn't stay.

Quite muted aroma in the glass.

Initial taste is somewhat expected tart astringent but it's soft and not bitter.

Honesty isn't always the best policy but this might be a bit thin. I'm not sensing a lot of the floral that I might have been talking my head into getting. This though is a jolly fine Belgium style beer, and that's always going to rock my boat.

As it gets to warming there are a bunch of other layers that begin to show through, the problem of pouring beer at the wrong temperature. But then if I had to think about everything then I'd be here all night and thirsty.

A head !!!The pdubyah-o-meter, because I know that's what this is about,  says 8, the low end though, better than good, but not very good as it's first stab at a mark.  But this is really a 9  a great beer, just drink it at warmer than fridge cold :-)

I don't think that this would stand up against other Belgium beers, and then you'll go on about Dubbel, Tripel etc etc. For me it's about the yeasting, the warmth from the malt, the sweet and then hopefully not a sting of astringent alcohol at the end, and as this warmed it also warmed my feeling towards is.

I know that this is only 7.5% ABV but it seems to have a more in it than that, I can tell that this would take me to my happy place. It's much nicer as it warms up and invites you to quaff and not contemplate. Strange the ways that some beers have that Jekyll and Hide thing going on. This might be one of those.

The rather nice music is an Album from Daughter – called  "If You Leave", from London\UK they're Indie Rock / Folk-Rock / Acoustic sort of thing. It's a bit good and if you need a bit of contemplative you'll love it.  Click here for a youtube thing if the video doesn't work

The rather nice food is some South African peri peri chicken and a salad.

It's hard being me.


Belgian Strong Ales can vary from pale to dark brown in color, darker ales may be colored with dark candy sugar. Hop flavor can range from low to high, while hop aroma is low. The beers are medium to full-bodied and have a high alcoholic character. Types of beers included here include tripels, dubbels and ultra-strong abbey ales.

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