Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The one where you confuse Columbo for Banacek

One of the tv channels has been showing Columbo re-runs, or perhaps they're premiers on this particular channel, recently. This and "The Sweeney" have been my recent tv addiction, but I can give or take "Minder" -'ere leave it out 'Tel

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="75"]Lieutenant Columbo Lieutenant Columbo (Photo credit: ostromentsky)[/caption]

I've been watching Columbo weekly with anticipation and enjoyment, honestly I have. drives MrsPdubyah spare. the stories are simply told in three acts, the setting, the investigation and the reveal. Everything was much simpler then.

There's a murder laid out for you, then Coloumbo investigates, and it ends when he says "And so you did it", and the bad guy effectively shrugs his shoulders and says "fair cop" and that's the end.

I have however been waiting for two particular episodes that I have memories of.

Patiently waiting

Then it's at some point that I realise that Columbo is a homicide detective, and I've been waiting for two stories that do not have a murder as a thing. It's not going to happen.

Telly Savalas as Lt. Theo Kojak with ubiquitou...

I'd realised they were not  Kojak or Streets of San Francisco episodes, again murder and 'gritty' crime based, I remember that much (and they're showing on the same channel, I've been watching them too), which meant I had to start to figure out what it was that I was expecting to see.

Seems I was looking for Banacek all along.

Banacek with the "Polish proverbs" that used to make my (Polish) father frown and moan.

The episodes in question are/were

So I have a few hours of entertainment for when I'm giving it the big on the spin bike in the next couple of months whilst I recuperate and repair.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="75"]Ironside (TV series) Ironside (TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Who knows next it might be a bit of Jack Lord in Hawaii 5-0 just for old times, and we haven't even got to Longstreet, the blind detective, or Ironside, the one with the chap in the wheelchair or some of the other gems.

No one ever said I was complicated. ..... Who loves ya baby.

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