Monday, January 6, 2014

Beer - #277 - Behemoth - CHUR! NZ Pale Ale

Indeed - a quick dash to the shops and I picked me up a  Behemoth CHUR! NZ Pale Ale.  From the  Behemoth Brewing Company who Brew this at The Twisted Hop in the style of an  American Pale Ale.  And they are in Wigram of all places.

[caption id="attachment_6030" align="alignleft" width="300"]Chur! Chur![/caption]

chur : -  kiwi for thanks, cool, sweet etc

'that was choice eh bro!'

A standard 330ml bottle of a beer of 5.2% ABV,  being 165 calories,  which all adds up to 1.4 standard drinks in NZ - 35 IBU Things.

Huge tropical aroma and light and refreshing New Zealand Pale ale is New Zealand hops in a bottle, not too bitter, not too sweet just delicious easy drinking fruity NZ Pale Ale. Chur!

Behemoth - CHUR!A lovely floral hop note on opening. Nice carbonation , no head, my run has ended.

Really pointedly grassy, but it's a very short note.

There isn't a lot else in this though, the up-front hops are great, and they're fairly soft and I like the way they taste.

There is also some fruitiness in this, again fairly pleasant and enjoyable.

However there isn't a lot of malt/caramel sweetness or body to asset this. What you get then is a thinness in the drink, which for me means that although I'm enjoying this I may not be so keen on another.

Disappointing as this is, in and of itself is not really to bad an effort. I'd rather it had more body, but I'm really enjoying the hop notes that this has, it is fairly easy drinking.

Despite all that the pdubyah-o-meter says that this would be a 7, making it good on the scale of things.  I don't think it's going to set the beer world on fire, or gather around it a coterie of fans, but it isn't off-putting, tasteless, or without any redeeming features. As a warm up beer for a couple of other fuller stronger beers this wouldn't be a bad choice.

The sun has made a late appearance, making the day a bit brighter, however counterpoint to the poor form England are shown in the cricket it's not helping.

CHUR!September 14 Update to this: I've had this out and about, on tap, at the 16TUN bar on the Auckland Viaduct, and again now in a bottle.

I think that I might have been a bit harsh as this is a fine drinking beer that is actually better than I might have let on.

If I was redux writing I would rate this possibly 8 or 8.5.


As if to  compliment my drinking tonight in the background I have the really long version of Autobhan playing, the first track from the Kraftwerk album from 1974


American Pale Ales are light in color, ranging from golden to a light copper color. The style of this beer is defined by the American hops used. American hops typically have high bitterness and aroma.This is a perfect beer for big fare like grilled burgers or combination pizzas, as well as lighter fare like sushi and green salads.


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