Monday, January 6, 2014

Beer - #276 - Ass Kisser - Strawberry Belgian Style Wit

May have made a bit of an error of judgement with this, but if you don;t try you'll never know. Ass Kisser Strawberry Belgian Style Wit.

Brewed by Ass Kisser Ales and this particular on was brewed at Hermitage Brewing Co. in the style of a Belgian White (Witbier) and that might have been in San JoseCalifornia USA

Ass Kisser - Strawberry Belgian Style WitA small 12fl oz, or 355ml bottle of a 5.8% ABV beer,  making it only 174 calories, and low IBU of 18,  and that makes it 1.51 standard dink units in NZ.

The "Berry Nice Ass" Strawberry Wit is a Belgian White Ale that has zesty lemon citrus tones with a splash of strawberry to make a bright refreshing ale part of a perfect finish to the day.

Slight note of candy sweetness on opening. Completely bonkers carbonation making it all head and no beer, and no smile. Still the candy floss aroma lingers.

Ass Kisser - Strawberry Belgian Style Wit1This is like has a seltzer tablet in it, it's fizzier than a fizzy thing.

There is a plastic background note with this, a chemical addition, of strawberry there is  vey little, and so you get a golden yellow fizzy thin water like drink. Worse is that there is a sourness to it.

Ghastly mistake on my part.

The pdubyah-o-meter can't begin to move past 1, making a beer that I should have listened to the voice in my head saying "warning warning" but I wanted a sweet summer ale in a Belgium style. I can carry that thought with me in my adventure for such a beer.

Will not gain you admiring glances from your beer drinking buddies or the girl or man of your dreams, unless you mistake that look of pity as lust.


Belgian style wheat beers are very pale, opaque, with the crisp character of wheat, plus the citric refreshment of orange peel and coriander. Ingredients sometimes also include oats for smoothness, and other spices such as grains of paradise.


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  1. I've seen this beer "on sale" a lot lately and was tempted to try it. I am glad you took the hit. thanks! (I'm sorry it was such a horrid experience though)

  2. :-( the only redeeming feature was the single serve small bottle size. That an another cap to the collection of caps (don't ask it's a bit weird)
