Thursday, January 2, 2014

Beach Life – Summer 2013 – #9

I write this the day after the day before.

Yesterday, the weather was average, cold and a bit showery.  But I was made to go for some exercise with MrsPdubyah, as you can see it wasn't as flash as it could have been in the morning

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We got to the beach, Matarangi, didn't have it to ourselves in the distance you can see another romantic couple braving the elements

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Some of the locals are more hardy, these oyster catchers for instance

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To be fair there were far more people on the beach than I'm making out, they're done the more built up area where all the beach houses are. Brave souls.

As reward I brought me two beers, one which was good the other was ok. They are local beers, so I am in a way supporting local artisans. I am not however convinced they are brewed locally, but brewed to a recipe, which isn't unusual. I'll need to do more 'research'.

Coromandel - Good as Gold2

And then to bring it all back down we opened a bottle (gifted) of Sauv Noir, a horrific mixture of Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir from Chile.  It's as bad as it sounds. It's not like that don't have a decent wine trade in New Zealand. As it was a bit mardy we had a Thai Red Curry for dinner which was outstanding, and the remains of the Focaccia bread. Which now reminds me that I was supposed to make some bread for lunch. 

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Today, Which I think is Thursday the day has dawned much brighter. There are many more boats on the seas going fishing and gathering, and MrsPdubyah is talking about a walk around the point at Matarangi to the Harbour, and I can buy more beer :-)

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  1. It is the simple things in life, right? Buying more beer. What more can a guy ask for.

  2. Today as my reward for being talking on another romantic walk around the beach is to stop and have a beer at the club rooms. Happy wife happy life :-)
