It's getting more popular too which isn't a bad thing.
You might see variously in the pictures, Me, MrsPdubyah, a Dotterel, Some Oyster Catchers, a Pine Tree, some fallen over trees, couple odd signs in an odd place, sand, sea and sun.
I didn't edit the pictures, that would be taking up sitting int he sun relaxing time :-)
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Did stop for a beer at the end of the walk at the Golf club, where the pricing was reasonable but the patronage poor. This would be for a couple of reasons, one of which is the historical nature of the welcome that was given, even though now it's changed hands, and another would be that at the beach house, holiday home, you tend to drink and socialise at home. The restaurant does a cracking trade though.
I think that I reached "Beach Max" yesterday. This is the limit of time I can spend with the in-laws, and leads to bickering and surliness. So today will be the last day and we're leaving tomorrow to go home. It's all about how I manage my time with them now, and it's not just me MrsPdubyah is at the end of the tether too.
[…] Beach Life – Summer 2013 – #10 […]