Friday, January 10, 2014


This is post number 666

I might be Post 668 or 669 because along the way I may have deleted a couple of older posts, but in the spirit of all things I'm going to post a poorly thought out and ridiculous homage to 666

I started with some #facts

Wikepedia :  666 (six hundred sixty-six) is the natural number following 665 and preceding 667.

666 is the sum of the first 36 natural numbers

But then I thought I'd look in the intertubes for examples of where you might find 666 if you really had the time and energy, some of my favourites are as below. Oh ok they're not all 666 things, a couple of them are just funny, like the Chase\Nazi one.

But I do like the Vodafone, and the CERN ones. and I'm reminded of the joke that goes

"What's the difference between Tom Jones and Walt Disney?"

"Tom Jones sings, and Walk Disnae" (which is clearly a much more humorous joke if you speak it in a scots accent, and feel free to replace Tom Jones with anyone you like, I first heard it as Al Jolsen, which might be funnier)

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="6122,6123,6124,6125,6126,6127,6128,6129,6130,6131,6132,6133" orderby="rand"]

  • I had nothing better to do

  • It was too early for a beer

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