Monday, July 29, 2013

Beer - #197 - The Twisted Hop - Sauvin Pilsner

The Twisted Hop - Sauvin Pilsner, Brewed by The Twisted Hop in the Style of a Pilsener and they do that in Christchurch, New Zealand.

This is in a rather plain 500ml, bottle and at 5% ABV it's about 2 standard drinks.

The Twisted Hop - Sauvin PilsnerA pilsner for hop heads! A New Zealand variation on the German style of pilsner using bucket loads of Nelson Sauvin hops

So, not a lot to go on there then.

I have a feeling that this is, according to the bottle neck, past it's best by date. But that you have to look, and have to work hard to find it is a shame, and what can you do if you've ended up something that's 'dated'?

Nothing in he aroma on opening to give you any clues about the contents. Poured pretty flat, although there was a spirited fizz, the thin head dissipates rather than hang around. Pale Golden colour it looks quite nice, and there is a nice nose of hop grassiness.

You can tell this should be better in some way, there isn't anything in the way of citrus backing to the hop taste. For something that is so hop-centric there is surprisingly litter bitterness in the taste range.

It's ok but it's not a big hitter, and it's an early finisher, even a bit thin.

However as it sits the hops just take over and dominate the palate, making this almost uncomfortable to drink and enjoy. It's better colder.

The 6 on the pdubyah-o-meter makes this a bit average, but just short of good. I think on a hotter day, this would be a cracking beer to have with lunch. As it is though it's winter and I'm inside, and this is all the entertainment I have to hand.

I might check out the best by date and give this another go as I'm desperate to think that this is better than it is at the moment.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Beer - #196 - Rogue Farms - Dirtoir Black Lager

Rogue Farms - Dirtoir Black Lager - formely known as Chatoe Rogue - First Growth - Dirtoir Black Lager.

Brewed by Rogue Ales in the Style of a  Schwarzbier in, of course,  NewportOregon USA

Chatoe Rogue - First Growth - Dirtoir Black Lager650ml of a 5% ABV bottle - making it about 2.6 standard drinks. and 35 IBU is mid range Pilsner, or perhaps an English Bitter.

Jet black in color with a tan head, medium to full bodied, deftly balanced, seamless dark roasted malt flavors with a smooth bitterness, lingering long finish.

I'm really looking forward to this, for no reason other than it's a Rogue beer, and they've been good to me so far.  That and they didn't have a Good Chit Pilsner that I was looking forward to trying.  It'll be in the other place I shop. Or not. I'm not sure I've ended up with a bad choice in this .

So it'll be dark, mildly and pleasantly bitter, and nice.  Here goes.....

Smells musty on opening. Pours thick like syrup with a brown foamy head, smells of coffee or cocoa, and vaguely bitter.

And it tastes like nothing  like a lager tastes like, it's more a coffee stout/porter taste but it's also lighter in the mouthfeel.

Lighter is good., although it's also a full flavour. There is a goodly amount of carbonation in this, not sure if that adds or detracts, it's there though. There is also an underlying sourness to this, but it isn't a big thing. It's not overly sweet or sugary either, and I could see myself buying this again.

The intense coffee/cocoa makes this interesting every mouthful. And the finish ends more towards a dry note, it's a bit of all things.

The pdubyah-o-meter things this is a bit good, and is 9 on it's arbitrary scale of things. 9 makes this a great beer, and falls into that category of "give this a crack, you'll be surprised", category of things.

The Rogue people really do beer well, and although I'm dead against "bucket lists" if I had one Newport would be on it, and a week's worth of barfly action would be called for, I should talk to MrsPdubyah. In the meantime I'll be getting me another from the nice people at Liquorland in Forest Hill., not quite as romantic.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Beer - #195 - Chimay - Triple / Blanche (White) / Cinq Cents

Chimay Triple / Blanche (White) / Cinq Cents, Brewed by Chimay and this one in the Style of an  Abbey Tripel in Baileux, Belgium.

The final in the group of three, Blue, Red and White.

Chimay - Cinq CentsChimay Tripel, with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine head is especially characterised by its aroma which results from an agreeable combination of fresh hops and yeast. The beer’s flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma. The aroma complements the touch of bitterness. There is no acidity, but an after-bitterness which melts in the mouth. This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the bottle, is not pasteurised.

This is in the big 750ml bottle, and at  8%ABV beer makes it about 4.8 standard drink units. Presented in a cork and cage, in the standard bottle this is as much a performance as a beer, and today being a Wednesday it seems like a good time as any to get enjoyed.

Lovely fizz taking the cork out, and a burst of sour aroma to follow (not a bad thing) Pours a lot darker than I expected, and much more hazy, but it does have a nice foamy head. The slighly sour aroma remains, but again it isn't a bad thing.

This has a nice fluffy mouthfeel, but lacks a high note in the palate, and doesn't have length. This is nice and 'dry' though, and is vey drinkable. This is very soft tasting, there aren't strong notes of fruits, and yeasts, it's all a big muted really.

As it warms the yeast begins to be heard a bit more, and the warmth releases a few more base notes in the taste.

The pdubyah-o-meter is biased at 8, because I knew I'd like this. I gave the Red and 8 and the Blue a 9 on previous drinkings. I think on reflection that this is better than the Red, bit still isn't as good as the Blue.

For a Wednesday, this is a good beer. As a Abby Triple it's a nice beer. This would be a good starter if you wanted to try Trappist style beers.  It's made me smile and forget all my worries, and I don't have a problem with that.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The one that's all about me.

I'm actually being a bit lazy. I didn't start out thinking I'd post a blog only  about beer, and beer, I had this grand plan to write about other things like food.

I also though you'd all be dead interested in my meanderings towards fitness. in Pdubyahworld all this is true.

So in other non-beer related news:

I went to party for my friend Bruce. He's just got to 50, and is fairly successful and happy. What kind of present to buy? I thought long and hard and in the end it seemed the thing to give him, a thoughtful and personal gift, something to treasure and unique. A picture of me.

[caption id="attachment_5002" align="aligncenter" width="300"]ME with ME The perfect gift for the man who has everything, a picture of me.[/caption]


That's not all though, I found a book - The Dangerous book for middle aged me. It might give him some inspiration.

It probably won't.

IT was nice to catch up with friends that we haven't seen for a while and  guess what, each and everyone of them lives their life vicariously through the achievements of their children. I kid you not.  Being fair though we did all meet via the said children at sports, and they've all done well and won medals and trophies.

It's a nice thing that keeps us together.

I also discovered that Twitter has a grid view of the twitpics that you've posted  That's a bit of nostalgia there.


Also in haste brought a Polar H7 heart rate sensor.


It's not compatible with the anything I own.

That sucks. Still it was very cheap and I am impulsive. Might try to sell it or even give it away to someone that might use it.

And before you make recommendations I have a work iPhone 4. not the 4S, the 4. And it's not compatible with the Nike Sportswatch either. So really limited in it's use.

NB1I wore my New Balance shoes today, the yellow ones.

I had the brightest feet on the waterfront when I went for a walk with MrsPdubyah. I should have worn headphones and I might not have heard the laughter of children.

But then I'd probably laugh if I saw someone wearing them too, which is why I run a night, people will only see a blur of day glow fluro coming at them at ankle level, they won't notice it's at a snails pace.

I'm also at a flat spot in my weight loss, I managed to get to 92KG at one point, but I think it went to mu head, it certainly went to my stomach, and now I'm stuck at 93kg, I guess it comes down to portion control and self control (see above for story on impulse buying and self control).

imagesOn the less impulse and more thoughtful side I did buy some new suits.

The downside to that is that I had to get new shirts, and then it turns out I have more purple and pink shirts than is prudent to have.

And I don't really like the latest thing which os the checked shirt, makes it look like you're wearing a dishcloth or tablecloth.

Also, you know that thing where you say to yourself "don't spill coffee on your new pants", that doesn't work, I spilt coffee on my new pants within the first hour.

MrsPdubyah less than impressed with that.  Also I now how to polish my shoes, another chore I'd forgotten about

shbbrctTalking of Impulse buys.... Cut-throat razor.

I'm not sure at which point that became a good idea in my head, but I went away and brought an entry level model that you use with disposable blades, the old school type of blades.

Anyway that's a terrible idea unless you have hours to shave. Also slicing a chunk of your face off doesn't have the desired effect on the ladies, and you have to make feeble excuses about why you look like you've been savaged by a mountain lion.

So a roller coaster of a thing, which I've shared for no reason. But then it's not a beer post so I feel I did ok.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Beer #194 - Rogue - HazelNut Brown Nectar

And another of the seemingly endless concoctions from Rogue - this one Rogue HazelNut Brown Nectar.

Brewed by Rogue Ales in the style of a dull as ditch water sounding  Brown Ale and they haven't moved from NewportOregon USA last time I drank a beer from them.

Rogue - Hzlenut Brown NectarA nutty twist to a traditional European Brown Ale. Dark brown in color with a hazelnut aroma, a rich nutty flavor and a smooth malty finish.

33IBU's which I would have thought a Porter type bitterness, this a 6%ABV beer, in a US Pint bottle making it 3.1 standard drinks.

So the expectations are set by it's type. Mildly bitter dark beer, throw in some nuts.... well hazelnut extract to be accurate.

Nothing on opening to suggest anything. It's dark brown, light thin head, still no aroma, which is weird, or not. It's sold on taste not smell.

And well, what's to tell you. Meh comes to mind. I was kind of expecting a Nutella burst sensation. I got thin and lifeless.

Sure there is a hazelnut back note, but if you know it's there you stop it, it's not the 'thing' the 'centre stage'

So what have you got really? In essence a mildly bitter dark beer, with a background of "Something" that we know as "Hazelnut"  and only then if you know, I'd not be able to pick it in a blind test if I was being honest.

Disappointed the pdubyah-o-meter says 5. This is pretty average, in my own opinion only. Perhaps I was led on by the rest of the Rogue Gallery. There isn't much to reflect on with this, it's a ho-hum so-what kind of beer, it's just then just a beer. It's not a terrible beer, it's just a beer.

Online reviews suggest I'm in a minority in not liking this, then that makes it my taste, I know that Rogue make many a fine beer, and I'm still a fan.

Beer - #193 - Rogue - Voodoo Doughnut Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana Ale

A most improbable beer then - Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana Ale, with I hasten to add - Natural Flavours!

Brewed of course by Rogue Ales and this is in the style of a  Fruit Beer and the madness is all happening in NewportOregon USA.

Rogue- Voodoo Doughnut - Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana AleA Collision of Crazies Rogue Ales has again collided with Voodoo Doughnut to create Chocolate, Banana & Peanut Butter Ale! This unique artisan creation contains a baker’s dozen ingredients including chocolate, banana and peanut butter to match Voodoo’s "Memphis Mafia" doughnut- a nod to Elvis’ entourage.

Conflicted by the bottle label of 5.3% ABV and the sticker advice of 6.5% ABV this 1 US pint bottle contains either 3.1 or 3.8 standard drinks. Take your pick.

I think this is going to be "sweet", and for no reason I expect it to be pale in colour. I might be 1 for 2.  I also think that it's going to be a long beer, in that it might take a while to digest and drink. After all a sweet beer might not be the thing. But in the interests of taste and experience I had to get one.

It occurs to me of course that this could be a "dessert" beer, if you're looking for a wine comparison.

Slightly sour on the opening. Pours a dark chocolate brown, with a firm light brown head. Chocolate and Banana to the fore.

Taste is like a hint of very smooth peanut butter, with a mild chocolate carry, I don't immediately get any banana.

Couple of things, not a sweet as I thought it might be, and it's a lot darker than I imagined.

Also pretty carbonation heavy and has a burp factor. Head remains firm and delivers a decent lacing too. The aroma is picking up to banana as it sits a bit, and is beginning to deliver on the palate.

And this leaves me in an odd place. For this is neuter unpleasant and at the same time neither is it pleasant. Pleasant in the sense that you've suddenly sculled the whole thing and can't remember doing it pleasant. It's pleasant in that it's not a lot of thinks that could be horrible and wasteful.

The chocolate note lends itself a lot to a stout type experience if you want to get to a point. There is also not an unpleasant bitterness to this, it's many beers in one.

The pdubyah-o-meter is aching to award arbitrary scores on this, and I think 8. I think 8 because this could be a train wreck and it isn't. There is no huge bell curve of taste, nothing at either end that makes the eyebrow arch with interest. The taste is all in the middle, all lined up.

This then is a bit clever. It's also a bit dumb. The all natural flavours lean towards disbelief and doubt, like they're potentially a little bit made-up by a man in a white coat. It's clever because it's quite outrageous.  I like the soft flavours, I like the bitterness, I like that it has a head that carries.

I find myself a bottle downed and a smile. I liked this so much more than I thought I would, but then I went in with an open mind and few expectations. Not a drink for everyone, but it sets up a nice evening in with a early goal on the board.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Beer #192 - Green Flash - Palate Wrecker

Green Flash Palate Wrecker - Brewed by Green Flash Brewing Co. in the style of a  Imperial/Double IPA in sunny  California USA

Green Flash Palate WreckerThis is a 9.5%ABV - 4.9 Standard drinks - beer - in a 1 Pint bottle rather unassuming  in it's packaging., and they claim 149IBU which is very American and over and above any other level of bitterness that you'd reasonably be expected to find.

From the picture you can tell it's Friday night, working week has finished and I'm happy as Larry, listening to 'Foals - Holy Fire'

Palate Wrecker was originally brewed for the Hamilton’s Tavern 2nd Anniversary celebration. It’s the most complicated West Coast–inspired IPA we have ever brewed—mashing and sparging with hopped wort, in addition to our hop layering regimen for IPA. We use almost 6 lbs/bbl of Columbus and Centennial hops to create this very bitter hop monster (tested at 149 IBU and no extracts in case you were wondering). By popular demand, it is now released for the world to enjoy (even though this beer isn’t for everyone, only the real hop heads!!!). Cheers! - Chuck Silva - Brewmaster - Green Flash Brewing

This rates very highly in reviews, I have a smile for that too :-)

intensely hoppy aroma on opening, bursting it is. Appears to be murky but pours a lovely golden orange, with a reasonable head still a lovely rich sweet malt and hop aroma.

Being a US Pint of course it doesn't all fit in a sleeve.

Gosh. This is as crackingly good an IPA as ever there was. Fantastic mouthfeel length, body and all over loveliness. The high IBU does not mean that this is a pucker up and suck through your teeth bitter level, it's strong for sure, but not unwieldly.

Nice florals in this aren't lost against the pine grass hop notes,  and the caramel makes it all a nice balance. This is a beer to enjoy. A goodly beer that delivers exactly as stated on the label.

The pdubyah-o-meter says 9, easily, making this great. It sits right in my bullseye of beers of this type.

What I like about this is the nice sweet caramel bottom note, the warmth that is has, and the bitterness in the mouthfeel, and the grass tang at the end, plus you get to a nosefull of aroma every mouthful, which again made me smile.

I'm not kidding you this Fan-tas-tic! and I should wax lyrical more !

You should know that I really like  the Wellington New Zealand brewed   Garage Project – Pernicious Weed and I'm a big fan of the Chatoe Rogue OREgasmic Ale, this is the equal and comparable in every way, in my opinion to both those  and  I'd be torn to choose between the three of them.

And that a New Zealand beer makes a beer in my top three shows you that the guys at Garage Project know their thing. Aroha.!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Designer hand me down nonsense in the key of tweed

1 song, 32 ways......

Beer #191 - Wigram - Kortegast Red Sparkling Ale (redux)

Wigram - Kortegast Red Sparkling Ale a revisit from a long time ago, when it was #21 on the list (May 2012). I have a friend who like this, and I thought it would be worth a second look, although I rated it as good before, it's nice to go back and see if I was right or just making it up on the fly, which is what I pretty much do all the time.

so , Brewed by Wigram Brewing Company in the style of a  Irish Ale and that's still in Christchurch, New Zealand. Same 5% ABV beer, same 500ml bottle, 1.9 standard drinks worth.

Wigram - KortegastThe Wigram Brewing Company wishes to advise that our Red Sparkling Ale Full Strength Beer has been crafted from Historical Hops which were discovered still growing on the banks of the Hokitika River. The original hops were grown by a pioneer Hokitika brewer, Mr William CJ Kortegast. His Crown Brewery was one of the very first West Coast Breweries. Remnants of these Kortegast hops have been incorporated into our Sparkling Red Ale, which is red in colour with low to medium bitterness and the aromatic flavour of the Hokitika hops on the finish. WJC Kortegast died in 1897 and the source of his hop supply was lost, although the memory of his famous brews lingered on. This Sparkling Ale is dedicated to WJC Kortegast and the pioneer brewers of Hokitika.

This is only slightly bitter on aroma, on opening, is possibly a bit yeasty, not overly carbonated, and pours a brown beer colour, no particular shade or orange, or golden, just brown. Small unlively head just mooches.

Aroma is a musty affair, a bit vinegary. It's a nice clear beer though, so that'd be a feature not a warning.

There a lot of hops in the front note, and that carries thorough the middle but doesn't get to the end. The head remains fairly creamy in the glass, but I'm left wondering about my earlier take on this. This crammed all in the front idea for a beer doesn't seem to sit very well.

Of course I've had a few beers since I last drink this, and it was important then, and that I enjoyed it as a good beer. Now I have doubt. There's something quite right about it, and it feels heavy or top heavy. The hop note lingers around not really offering a finish but more a nuisance value. There appears to be no length in the taste, it's all jazz hands and smile up front.

The finish is of green hops that seem under achieved for this. It's not really doing it for me, and I'm wavering and faltering. The lacing that I may have before is missing to. Different beer different day.

The pdubyah-o-meter shrugs it's way, as a struggle to give this a 6 (Average) to be honest, it's weirdly hopped, and oddly malted, musty, and oddly heavy and lacking in length.

I don't think I'd avoid this, and would like to give it the best of 3 test at some point in the future. There are days when a beer will do it for you, and clearly this isn't one of them for this beer and me.

Beer #190 - Deep Creek Brewery - Little Armoured One

Deep Creek Brewery, Browns Bay, a hop skip and a jump from home,  This their "Little Armoured One" in the Style of an  Amber Ale , or American Amber Ale brewed by Deep Creek Brewing Co , Browns Bay  Auckland, New Zealand

I've had this many times on Tap, I even have a a "Creeker Card" loyalty program card there. But it's fair that since it's in bottles I take some time to really say what I think.

Deep Creek - Little Armoured One So, a 5.7%ABV beer in a 500ml bottle, (pint) which is about 2.3 Standard drinks

American Amber Ales were born in innovative microbreweries on America’s West Coast. They set out to recreate English style Bitter and Pale Ale beers. Their success was an amber coloured ale, with a caramel, malty flavour, complemented by a strong hop character. Frequent additions of Amarillo hops provide the inspiration for the beer named after the Armadillo, a mischievous and tough little creature who could easily be mistaken for looking like the hop cones. A challenge for the senses; intense floral aroma complimented by a toffee malt character.

[caption id="attachment_4952" align="alignright" width="300"]There was much more head then this before, I drank a little then topped it up, Still excitable There was much more head then this before, I drank a little then topped it up, Still excitable[/caption]

There's not much by way of aroma on opening, I was expecting a hoppy burst perhaps, Overly carbonated 1/3 head 2/3 beer in the glass, but it is a firm head. The beer is a dark brown colour, darker than I remember, perhaps pub lights are different. There is a faint aroma of hops.

The taste though, banging!, Lovely balance of malts and bitter with a nice twang, just like being in the pub :-).

From the bottle this is every bit as nice as from the tap. There is a nice richness in the malts that draws you back for more. The bitterness is subtle enough that you know you're drinking a bitter beer but it's not all pucker up and squint.

What I don't get is "Floral" and I wouldn't say this was "Amber" in colour, unless I've been doing traffic lights all wrong all these years.

The pdubyah-o-meter likes this truly local (to me) beer, the equal of many that I've drunk from much more experienced and know brewers. It's swings to an 8.5 on the random scale of things, making it somewhere between very good and great.

It might be over-carbonated and that fizzy distracts you from the game. As it warms in the glass it begins to get into it stride, the stride being your steps back to the bar for another  very rewarding and tasty beer. A very well balanced session beer, and if you're ever in the mood for a craft brewer who is literally on the beach, and offers a menu of great food, and a lively atmosphere, then go on do yourself a favour. And if you do let me know, the first one will be on me.

Sporting your life vicariously - the return

MissPdubyah gave up playing Club Hockey 18 months ago, and all Hockey at the end of her time at College. Much to the despair of MrsPhil and myself. After all she's fairly handy and capable.

But it's her life and like all things you have to encourage and enjoy it.

Got herself a new job too, working in a Menswear shop where she's selling some nice suits, shirts and ties (ask me how many Ties I got for my birthday)

A Summer paper at University, and 8 months into this year, where she's doing very well and enjoying herself, all of a sudden she get's it into her head to go and re-join the Hockey club and start playing again.

In the Premier Reserves grade, where she's happy and seems to have fitted straight back in.

And this made MrsPdubyah and me smile. We haven't been invited to watch yet, this seems to be the new protocol, but we will. Probably Finals day.

The Less of Me - June

A shambles. 5 exercises for 25km, that's about 75 km less than the OCD me hopes for. Even 50 would have been good.

June a poor effort

I got to 92Kg, which was good since I appeared to be stuck at 94Kg for a while.

I also got to play 5-a-side football which makes a pleasant change from huffing and puffing on the couch. Goalkeep mind, which is an anagram of "Target", couple of bruises, and a jammed finger. Still 3 games for 3 wins.

Looking back the  weight thing still makes me smile. From the beginning of the year then that would be a solid 10kg.

But not exercising and too much work open the door to the poor eating habits. So a couple packets of salt and vinegar crisps, and you're then into frowning at yourself.

Fruit got expensive too, and I've not eaten nearly as much as I should have, or was eating.

But I am committed to a Kg a month for a year, and I will get to below 90kg.

I've been exercising, according to the Nike App for 9 months in a row now. I've got to 531km's over 97 recordings. OCD me needs  19kg in 3 more outings to get to a round number, and a new ribbon colour in the app, it's the little things.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beer - #189 - Robinsons - Build a rocket boys!

I found this  - Robinsons - Elbow -  build a rocket boys! a beer in the style of a Style: Bitter that's Brewed by Robinsons in Stockport , England.

  1. It's and English Bitter

  2. It's a beer that the band Elbow helped to create.


Elbow- Build a rocket boysMulti-platinum selling Manchester band elbow designed their ‘build a rocket boys!’ beer after a series of tastings at Robinsons Brewery in Stockport, a stone’s throw from elbow’s Manchester heartland.
Band members sampled a range of Robinsons’ ales to shortlist their preferred style of beer, taste and colour before deciding on a golden ale with a rich rounded body, smooth bitterness, subtle tang of malt and fruity aroma. elbow’s ale is a premium session bitter at 4.0% ABV, available in cask and bottle.

500Ml bottle, (a Pint) of 4% ABV beer, making it about 2 standard drinks. Confusion perhaps between a golden and a bitter beer. but I'm looking forward to it.

Aroma seems "thin", but pours a lovely golden colour, with a fluffy head.  Aroma is confusing me, something metallic, I hope not, perhaps it'll come to me later.

And thin is a way to describe the body on this, although there is a nice finish of bittery. The metallic might be hops I'm not familiar with, like I know a hop from a skip or jump.

There's also some caramel sweetness in this, which you could confuse with "fruits" but it's not, and overall I'd have to confess that in my opinion that it's not an accomplished beer, it's possibly not even a good beer.

Certainly not compared to some beers of the same genre. Again it's thin in body, short in length and doesn't hit any note at all. The bitterness, what there is of it, if a side note.

The pdubyah-o-meter mopes to a 4 , making this a below average beer. There isn't much redemption and if you were a hardcore fan of the band Elbow, and this was comparable to their music then you'd soon switch to something else.  Sadly though they've associated themselves with this disaster, but they probably made a few compromises and as a collaboration it just not work.

Stick to the music, praise the beer,  you'd  never invite a  brewer near your music, I'm sure on reflection that you're probably thinking you should have avoided a foray into brewing.

Or horrendous as it sounds, perhaps you think you did a good job of defining yourselves in a brew, in which case you need to get out more. You'd have to drink a bucket of this to get squiffy, and that's no way to begin to wax lyrical about anything.

p.s. seems Robinson are quick to hitch their name to rock bands, which leads me to think they have no confidence in themselves, and are sharp at the co-marketing.