Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beer - #189 - Robinsons - Build a rocket boys!

I found this  - Robinsons - Elbow -  build a rocket boys! a beer in the style of a Style: Bitter that's Brewed by Robinsons in Stockport , England.

  1. It's and English Bitter

  2. It's a beer that the band Elbow helped to create.


Elbow- Build a rocket boysMulti-platinum selling Manchester band elbow designed their ‘build a rocket boys!’ beer after a series of tastings at Robinsons Brewery in Stockport, a stone’s throw from elbow’s Manchester heartland.
Band members sampled a range of Robinsons’ ales to shortlist their preferred style of beer, taste and colour before deciding on a golden ale with a rich rounded body, smooth bitterness, subtle tang of malt and fruity aroma. elbow’s ale is a premium session bitter at 4.0% ABV, available in cask and bottle.

500Ml bottle, (a Pint) of 4% ABV beer, making it about 2 standard drinks. Confusion perhaps between a golden and a bitter beer. but I'm looking forward to it.

Aroma seems "thin", but pours a lovely golden colour, with a fluffy head.  Aroma is confusing me, something metallic, I hope not, perhaps it'll come to me later.

And thin is a way to describe the body on this, although there is a nice finish of bittery. The metallic might be hops I'm not familiar with, like I know a hop from a skip or jump.

There's also some caramel sweetness in this, which you could confuse with "fruits" but it's not, and overall I'd have to confess that in my opinion that it's not an accomplished beer, it's possibly not even a good beer.

Certainly not compared to some beers of the same genre. Again it's thin in body, short in length and doesn't hit any note at all. The bitterness, what there is of it, if a side note.

The pdubyah-o-meter mopes to a 4 , making this a below average beer. There isn't much redemption and if you were a hardcore fan of the band Elbow, and this was comparable to their music then you'd soon switch to something else.  Sadly though they've associated themselves with this disaster, but they probably made a few compromises and as a collaboration it just not work.

Stick to the music, praise the beer,  you'd  never invite a  brewer near your music, I'm sure on reflection that you're probably thinking you should have avoided a foray into brewing.

Or horrendous as it sounds, perhaps you think you did a good job of defining yourselves in a brew, in which case you need to get out more. You'd have to drink a bucket of this to get squiffy, and that's no way to begin to wax lyrical about anything.

p.s. seems Robinson are quick to hitch their name to rock bands, which leads me to think they have no confidence in themselves, and are sharp at the co-marketing.

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