Monday, April 29, 2013

Beer - #148 - Dogfish Head - 90 Minute Imperial IPA

And so to this  - a Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA - Brewed by Dogfish Head Breweryin the style of an Imperial/Double IPA in MiltonDelaware USA

DogFish Head - 90 minute IPAEsquire Magazine calls our 90 Minute I.I.PA., "perhaps the best I.P.A. in America." An Imperial I.P.A. brewed to be savored from a snifter. A big beer with a great malt backbone that stands up to the extreme hopping rate. This beer is an excellent candidate for use with Randall The Enamel Animal! 90 ibu 
Tasting Notes: Brandied fruitcake, raisiney, citrusy.

330ml bottle, 9%ABV and 90IBU - 2.62 Standard drink units, Could be interesting.

A much different aroma, darker than the 60, same head, the aroma is deep candied sugars and sweets, a different thing altogether. This is a similar aroma to the Renaissance Barley wine (2012).

Wow this is a "thick" beer, with a big smack of malts, that sits up the hops and takes a bow. It's very nice is what it is.

The bitterness from the hops is still there, although bitter isn't what you'd ascribe to them, they're not the front and centre.  Enthusiastically I could write a lot on how nice this is. But... it is a 'sweet' beer and it is a high ABV rating, and as such you might need to be careful of your intentions.  Moving from the 60 to this would be a logical thing if it was getting to the end of the night, but this all night, madness.

the pdubyah-o-meter says 8.5 units of it's seemingly random scale, which makes it a top beer with a few faults. I'd suggest that this could be more hop-bitter to quiet the malt over-rush.

But it is an excellent beer, and I'd be getting this again.


  1. […] Beer – #148 – Dogfish Head – 90 Minute Imperial IPA ( […]

  2. After being a little underwhelmed by the 60-Minute IPA from Dogfish Head, the 90-Minute Imperial IPA simply blew me away.

    Again it poured a deep rich orange, but this time it had a solid malty and slightly sweet nose indicative of an Imperial IPA. I picked up strong caramel flavours with slight spicy taste in the back, which may have just been the extra alcohol. Again, no floral hop characteristics, but a mild bitterness all the way through the mouth to the long finish.

    This is more like it.... I will be putting a few bottles in my 'Library' and definitely picking up some more when I get the chance.

    - SteveG
