Saturday, April 27, 2013

Beer - #156 - AleSmith - X Extra Pale Ale

Still in the US of A then with an AleSmith X Extra Pale Ale. Brewed by AleSmith Brewing Company In the style of a American Pale Ale and that's all happening in San DiegoCalifornia USA

500ml (pint) bottle of a 5% ABV beer, making that 2.56 standard drink units.

AleSmith - Extra Pale AleAleSmith X Extra Pale Ale is a clean, light-colored, light-bodied ale. The People's Choice award winner at the 2000 San Diego Real Ale Festival and the second runner-up in 2001, it has a good dose of dry hops balanced by a gentle sweetness, giving an almost sweet-and-sour effect. Appearance: Light golden color, and a nice white head, with good retention when properly served. Flavor: Starts off with almost tingling flavors of citrus and pine, balanced by a nice malty sweetness, then fades to a dry finish with a lingering hoppiness. Aroma: Strong lemony-citrusy character, with sweet malt and pine in the background. Mouthfeel (body/texture): Smooth, light-bodied.

That sounds like a bit of fun in a bottle. Something yellow, something not bitter, and something refreshing. Nothing too dramatic.

There is a goodly nose of hops, that made me smile, it is a lovely golden yellow, more rimu golden than yellow, pour, fairly hazy/cloudy and I got a fair decent head of fluffy white. Do like that hop aroma.

The taste is a lovely soft bitter and a goodly backing of malt and fruity citrus notes, making this quite a nice taste combination.  The length of the bitterness is amazing, not uncomfortable, but you're left with a big taste sensation, and a smacking of the lips moment.

There is also lacing on the glass that you don't see often enough, not as an indicator of quality, it's just nice to see is all.

This is very quaffable and you'd be comfortable with this for a few or more beers with friends or alone. It wouldn't intrude on your food and would offer a nice balance to a meal. And as a 5% ABV beer you're not going to go all fall-off-the-barstool any time in a hurry.

The pdubyah-o-meter makes this 8.25 on the scale of things. It's a thoroughly nice, well carbonated, nicely balanced, well behaved beer that will neither challenge you or upset you. More than middle of the road because of the nice floral citrus things and the length of the bitterness. A bit good. Not great, but good enough, and a great way to start an evening.

You're welcome.


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