Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Growing up – the one with the frustration.

I care about my children a lot, and whilst by no means the best parent I think that between me and MrsPubyah we did an okay job.

Currently #1 son is looking for a full time job. His motivation is increasing as his desire to leave home and move in with his girlfriend increases. But it's not an easy ride, and he seems to lack a get-up-an-go that perhaps I'd like him to have. Now this isn't to say that he isn't truing I'm sure he is, it's just that he'd rather slope off to his room and play online games in the evening than try a conversation.

#1 daughter is a totally new frustration. Having given away top grade hockey because "she didn't like it" was given a chance to go do some top grade umpiring for the National U18 tournament. This means that she needs to put some top work in umpiring the top grade hockey that she gave away. Frustratingly she doesn't get that she can't keep passing up opportunity, they sometimes don't knock again.

She also doesn't get that you have to commit to people if that's what they expect.

She also doesn't get that she has certain things like a fully insured car and petrol based on her past activity level. Also a pretty expensive gym membership. And she wants to go to the ball, and needs a ball gown, and no doubt shoes, handbag, makeup  and all sorts.

She also has an idea that she wants an 18th birthday party.

There are some things that I can accept, that after a lot of hockey you need a rest, but to forgo being with high performing people at a time that you need motivation in your life isn't a good idea. We support her not playing hockey, it's the right thing to do, but I'm struggling with supporting her lifestyle choices at the moment, particularly as she's prevaricating and making it difficult for her and others to organize around.

Just frustrating. It's not my life to live, but if I had had the opportunity and exposure that she's had to things then I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed them. And I'd hate to look back on my life and wonder what would have been if I hadn't given it all up.

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